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Matthew J. Cunningham

Bill Simon for Governor?

[Cross-posted from Red]

There’s an article on Wall Street Journal on Bill Simon, conservative philanthropy and intellectually reviving the Republican Party. Near the end of the piece, the 2002 GOP gubernatorial nominee indicates he might run again in 2010:

In fact, Mr. Simon tells me that he would definitely consider running again for governor or lieutenant governor in 2010. He says that the budget crisis in California, including a deficit which he estimates at approximately $40 billion, will "require very fundamental change. This is an issue I understand. Economic issues are a strength for me."

You can read the whole article here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Simon in WSJ Interview Says “Definately Considering” 2010 Gov or Lt. Gov Run

Former California Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Bill Simon sat down for a lengthy one-on-one interview with the Wall Street Journal’s Naomi Schaeffer Riley. The piece, A Conservative Philanthropist Looks To The Future, is definitely worth a read.

I did note, most of the way through the piece, the following excerpt (the boldfacing is added by me for emphasis).

One has to wonder if Simon is serious about a potential statewide bid in 2010… Mr. Simon first ran for governor of California seven years ago. He beat the Republican establishment’s candidate, Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, in the primaries, and lost by only five percentage points to the incumbent governor Gray Davis. Though Mr. Simon was not shy about his staunch social conservatism — including his opposition to abortion — he focused his campaign on fiscal restraint, education reformRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR’s Mike Spence in the LA Times

Readers of the Los Angeles Times this morning are treated to this lovely photo of none other than our own FR contributor Mike Spence. Why? Check out the article Conservative Sees Reason For Hope In Season of Gloom.

Mike is our resident optomist!… Read More

Barry Jantz

The RNC and the Status-quo

Does Mike Duncan warrant another term as Republican National Committeechairman? San Diego’s Rick Amato of KCBQ radio does an interview with Duncan on Washington Times Radio to get the answer. Listen to it here.

Of all the criticism of Republicans at the national level, what rings the truest comes down to a lack of understanding the pulse of the electorate, exacerbated by a subsequent lack of applying conservative principles to the country’s issues and problems in such a way that the voters understand those solutions as the best path of action for the nation.

If that’s too complicated, how about this? If voters rightfully want change, perhaps they don’t see it coming from a party that consistently ignores its principles by growing the size of government and ignoring common sense, while openly cow-towing to the status-quo.

Republican leaders and bloggers can… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Romans in Defeat

Of all the civilizations of antiquity, I’ve always held a special place for the Romans, both the Republic and the Empire. The sheer time scale of this civilization is almost hard to comprehend. The Republic was founded around 510 BC, started faltering around 130 BC, was replaced in fact if not in name by an Empire in 29 BC. The Empire in one form or another lasted formally until 1453 with the fall of Constantinople . Coming from the perspective of a 200 some-odd year old Republic this was quite a run.

What I respect most about the Romans was that they understood that the world was a constantly changing place, and that to fail to adapt to changing times was to surrender power, and thus to surrender their ability to determine their own future. This came to mind today because I was reading an old history book about the Roman wars with Carthage – in particular theRead More

James V. Lacy

Obama, GOP, and coastal Orange County

One take on the results of the November election is that the Republican Party needs to get to work, first and foremost, on rebuilding the Party in coastal Orange County, especially coastalsouthern Orange County, to re-establish the possibility oflarge margins of Republican votes in statewide elections from this area. That’s because voters in these former bastions of conservatism, and historical homes to Congressional districts of the likes of Chris Cox, Ron Packardand John Schmitz,turned out in droves for Barack Hussein Obama in the Presidential election.The"GOP brand" is hurtinghere,and given the irony of high Republican registration in these areas,GOP leaders needtofind a solution to getting these voters back in the Republican column or risk the creation of a longer-term Democrat trend inan important part of what used to be called America’s most Republican county.

Courtesy of Allen Hoffenblum’s "Target Book," we learn that though Congressman Dana Rohrabacher beat Democrat Debbie Cook handily at 53% to 43%, that John McCain’smargin of victory wasmuch closer in this 46th… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Santa Bailout Hearings Represent The Next Great Political Controversy

As if the Wall Street dunderheads, big three automakers and banks weren’t enough, now Santa is asking for a handout from Congress, and judging from the reaction on Capitol Hill, he’ll probably get it. Highlights of the hearings can be found here.

Merry Christmas.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Merry Christmas to Igancio “Nacho” Ramos & Jose Campion

Merry Christmas to the 6 children of Ramos and Campion wrongfully convicted U.S. Border Guards who are serving 10 years plusin federal prisons. Let’s hope those families have a warm Christmas- – –they are not forgotten.

Bill Clinton besmirched his Presidential legacy by selling his pardon power to the notorious international embezzler Marc Rich, whose wife gave millions to the Clinton Library trust. Sadly, President Bush is racking up the worst 6 months of any Republican President in US History. The great failure of aggressive federal intervention into the economy which seems to have satisfied no one, his unilateral bail out of failed auto companies aggravated by his failure to do the right thing with US Border Guards.

However, Bush… Read More

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