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Ray Haynes

Kamala Harris’s America

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but lately Governor Gavin Newsom has been doing everything is his power to hold back the worst impulses of the Democrats in the Legislature and those who run the liberal cities and counties in this state. We all know how the leftist Democrats in this state have allowed the quality of life in California to erode.

Drive down any street in any big city in California and you see the tents of the homeless, who have decided to simply live by the side of the road in broken down cars and campers, or on mattresses set up in front of homes, businesses, or in any public area. Just try to go to the park in Santa Monica, it is dangerous and unpleasant because the mentally ill and drug addicted homeless have taken it over. The homeless get a free ride, the law abiding citizens struggle under the yoke of oppression of the state government.

Go to any leftist controlled city or county, and you can see criminals run rampant, stealing anything that is not nailed down or locked up. Listen to the leftists in the Legislature, and you will be told that those who steal need the stuff they steal and the businesses are rich and should give their stuff away. The criminals get a free ride, the business have to comply with complex regulations on their operations or face jail.

Government union employees are not required to go to work, while taxpayers are forced to subsidize their lack of productivity. The state government makes $1.80/gallon of gasoline or other fuels sold, and that same government blames the oil company that makes about 50 cents a gallon (and provides thousands of taxpaying jobs) for that same fuel for the extraordinarily high $5.60 per gallon sale price.

The leftists in California already gives billions of taxpayer dollars to those in this country illegally for free food, welfare, phones, and they are trying to help them buy houses, while many of them commit serious or violent felonies throughout the state. Law abiding citizens and foreign nationals who comply with the laws of this country are forced to subsidize this blatant disregard of the law through their tax dollars.

That is life in California, and it will be life in Kamala Harris’s America. Newsom is trying to hide it. He is trying to eliminate the homeless camps, actually throw criminals in jail, and make it look like California is not really Venezuela (when it is), and he is doing this so that people in other states won’t think that what has happened in California won’t happen in the rest of the country if Harris is elected President. Newsom and the Legislature could have done this years ago, but didn’t, because one of their own was not running to be President. They are trying to protect her now.

But they can’t. The problem is all these bad things happening in California today will spread to the rest of the United States. California today is the Kamala Harris America of tomorrow if she is elected. She has held the top law enforcement jobs in San Francisco and the state. Our current “lax on criminals” law enforcement structure was enacted on her watch and without her objection. All of the other problems productive Californian face today happened on her watch. She has been in the position to help California for over 25 years, and has nothing except support those who have pushed these dangerous policies on Californians.

I am not a political consultant, but if I was, and if I was working for Donald Trump, I would show the rest of America the result of Harris’s activities here in California. Videos of criminals running wild in stores in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Videos of the the streets and public areas of our big cities, lined with the tents and living spaces of the homeless. Videos of the decline of those cities, and of California, that have resulted by the fact that Harris has occupied every important position in California and allowed this all to happen. No matter how hard the Democrats try, they cannot deny that Harris is as responsible as anyone else in California for the degradation of the lives of Californians.

Right now, those Californians who want can run away to another state, and they are running away in droves. If Harris becomes President, what has happened to California will happen to the rest of the country. There will be no place to run. America will become California, and Harris will make sure it happens.

Maybe this is the plan to keep Californians in California, make every place they could go as bad as California. I know that sounds paranoid, but….