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Bruce Bialosky

What in God’s Name are Never Trumpers Thinking?

In 2016, I could understand (but not accept) the position of Never Trumpers. He was a brash, non- establishment candidate. They had a viable alternative in Hillary Clinton who they knew and believed would be a sane choice. In 2020, they had Joe Biden who was someone they knew for nearly 50 years and was an acceptable establishment alternative. They had no idea he was going to turn his administration over to the Sanders-Warren wing of the party. In 2024, the picture is completely different. The Harris-Walz team has no establishment credentials other then her working hand-in-hand with Joe Biden for over three years. It is the most Leftist ticket in over 100 years. They make William Jennings Bryan look centrist.

As defined in my recent columns, Harris is no mainstream person in thought or deed. She has lived a life as a Leftist and has touted policies (her true beliefs) that put her on the far edge of modern political thinking. She has expressed her desire to take authoritarian steps to enact the policies that are at her core, to the extent she has a core. Her recent supposed turn since becoming the nominee is a charade. Nothing more.

Interestingly, the people who dislike Trump still cite his authoritarian nature. He was president of our country for four years and, if anything, he was anti-authoritarian. He did more to dismantle the rules and regulations promulgated by unelected bureaucrats that control virtually every nook and cranny of our life than any other president in history.

Even the most criticized action taken during his presidency, the U.S. Supreme court overruling Roe v. Wade, a national dictate on the abortion issue, has been turned back to the people to decide. And they have been making decisions state by state in a glorious manner. In addition, he has clearly stated he will veto any proposal to reestablish a national abortion policy.

Harris has stated she wants to create an “opportunity economy.” This is a person who has never created a job in her life. What she really means is she will create more regulations and government control over our economy. She will pick winners and losers. That is the only path she understands. She is embedded in a California political culture that has driven businesses and middle-class jobs from the state for over ten years. The state has created the largest segment of people in poverty of any state in America. Is that what we want for our country?

Is that what Never Trumpers want? Is their distaste for Trump such they are willing to sacrifice our economic model of letting entrepreneurs and risk-takers create an economy that provides opportunity to all? Her policies will crush small business just like they did during and after the pandemic.
In recent polls, over half of Americans still believe Harris is “too liberal or too progressive” (Leftist). How can Never-Trumpers not see what ordinary Americans see?

The atrocious behavior of the Left can all be traced back to Senator Harry Reid’s disgusting comments on the floor of the U.S. Senate lying about the taxes paid by Mitt Romney. When asked about it after the election he told a reporter, “Well, he didn’t win, did he?” Otherwise, they are willing to say or do anything to win.

When I spoke to an involved Democrat friend about what happened to RFK Jr., he said, “It is just politics.” I was awaiting the usual follow-up of ‘everyone does it.’ No, everyone doesn’t do it and, no, it isn’t just politics. RFK Jr. brilliantly delivered in detail (sans teleprompter or notes) a description of Democrats’ disgusting actions in the first twenty minutes of his 28-minute speech withdrawing from the campaign and endorsing Trump.

There is what they did to Dean Phillips to extinguish his campaign. They are trying to do to Cornel West, Jill Stein, and Chase Oliver what they did to RFK Jr. Apparently, they have no confidence their candidate can win without manipulating the process.

The fact that Harris has decided to go through this campaign with little to no explanation of her positions to our designated representatives in a free society, the press, says everything you need to know about her. Like Nancy Pelosi’s “we need to pass the legislation to find out what is in the legislation,” you must elect Ms. Harris to find out what she will do as president. A risky endeavor regarding the leader of the free world.

Silicon Valley tech leaders and investors have woken up to just how the Left will turn on them and attack their businesses that were built from their entrepreneurial risk taking. Harris has no experience with business other than attempting to strangle it with regulation and tech leaders have finally recognized the threat. Where are the Never Trumpers?

The behavior of the Democrats and Harris is disgust, and Never Trumpers should support Trump just for these reasons. Every true American should vote against the Democrats’ ticket based on what is defined above. One side is destroying the electoral system, and they should not be rewarded for that. They should be punished by being defeated.

It is like the game they play spending money to have the perceived worst Republican candidate win a primary. We never used to take actions like that. But winning has become everything to this breed of people. Decent people don’t do these things.

Erick Erickson stated what I had been told by some. In their heads, if Trump loses the election the MAGA movement will be wiped out and the anti-Trumpers will take over the party again. This is delusional thinking on many levels. Losing is never better than winning. Never. Second, voting for someone you agree with 15% of the time over someone you agree with 85% of the time to achieve ideological purity is deranged thinking and self-immolation. This is the sick, demonic thinking of Liz Cheney and her father.

Why would anyone want to be in bed with Harris/Walz? Why would anyone put these people in a position of power? It is a dangerous strategy Never-Trumpers are playing, and they need to get their heads on straight just like anyone else voting for this far Left ticket.