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Bruce Bialosky

The Coronation of St. Kammy

The King is dead (who knew he was alive); Long live the Queen.

She is the dream candidate of the Left. Forget about all those “firsts” about which the Left expresses exultation. They are a cover for her politics.

She is the child of two Left-wing college professors who grew up in Berkeley during its heyday as the center of Leftist life. Then she took her skills to San Francisco just when the city was plummeting into the disaster it has now become.

She has never had a job in the private sector as an adult. Never. Yet, she says she will be focused on the middle-class. Senator Chris Coons stated she was campaigning to help entrepreneurs. She has no clue what it takes to start and run a business. What she does understand is how to get in the way with more regulations.

The last President to not have children was James Buchanan – and we know how his presidency ended.

She has no discernible religion. She married a committed Jew, but neither have a commitment to Israel. They are more concerned about the Palestinians (that is Hamas). In fact, her husband’s daughter has not only disavowed being Jewish, but she is raising money for Hamas. I know we are not supposed to discuss children, but when the child raises money for a group that murders Jews, that child (who is now an adult) is an open matter of discussion.

She did make a strong statement against the protesters on the day Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke. She soon countered that with an ignorant statement about the deaths in Gaza and how Gazans are starving. If she were truly a friend to Israel, she would call for Hamas to surrender.

She was adjudged the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate in 2019. The nonpartisan government transparency watchdog GovTrack adjudges this. She didn’t at the time argue against that characterization. That was a body that had two avowed Communists in it, Bernie Sanders and Lizzie Warren.

She was a Soros DA of San Francisco before Soros set the plan of funding DAs to turn our legal system upside down. She was a model for Soros to fund Kim Foxx (his first) in Chicago to turn the legal system into a hell space.

The press has tried to cover up her involvement in Prop 47. You know, the proposition that increased the theft level for being charged with a felony to $950. She was the attorney general at the time. She had complete control over how the prop was listed on the ballot and she wrote/approved the executive summary that duped Californians into thinking that this was a good idea. It fit right in line with her philosophy of decriminalization.

She had her fingers all over Prop 57 which lessened punishment for criminals. She has clearly expressed she is not someone who favors tough law enforcement despite the current farce of calling her a “tough cop.”

The amazing thing is Democrats found a candidate even less coherent than President Biden. You will likely not see her off teleprompter between now and election day.

Among the many things the Left-wing press is trying to wash from our memories (“she was never “the border Czar”) is that she encouraged funding the bailout of criminals who burned down our cities in 2020 over the death of a career criminal. She was in charge of the border no matter how you call the position, and she would be touting it every moment of every day if the border were not a disaster. Now that she is attempting to create the lie that she was a “tough” prosecutor, the press has begun the lie she didn’t jump in to help bail out criminals who destroyed businesses of the middle class she now supposedly supports.

If you have any doubts about the fact that she is an out-and-out Leftist, read this statement made in February 2021 while she was Vice-President (not campaigning):

“We have always fought for equality. But now we are also talking much more rightly about equity, understanding that we must be clear-eyed about the fact that, yes, we want everyone to get an equal amount — that sounds right — but not everyone starts out from the same place. Some people start out on first base. Some people start out on third base. And if the goal is truly about equality, it has to be about a goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place. And since we didn’t start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution.”

It is shocking to me that any capitalist or successful businessperson or just any American would contribute to her campaign.

The lies will continue like the one that she had no prior knowledge until the very day Biden resigned. As someone who has worked on campaigns for a long, long time, they had multiple days advance notice to arrange a war room organizing all those contacts and commitments. It was not spontaneous.

She added Governor Walz who at least had a job in the private sector even though it has been forty years since he had one. The far Left-wing publication, Daily Kos, promptly came out with an ebullient endorsement of his addition to the ticket. That tells you everything you need to know about him.

She is the embodiment of what the Left has dreamed of for years. Biden committed to the policies and the personnel arranged by Sanders and Warren. The difference is Harris is a true believer. From birth she has been bred in Leftist culture. She has never varied from that in her political career.

Don’t buy her tough cop line; she became a prosecutor to destroy the justice system from within. She said so. She is the Left’s dream candidate, and she got there in their typical manner – without one ordinary American having a say.

The Democrats are going to try and tell you a different story this next week. They are going to tell you she is a moderate like they told us Biden was going to be one. In Biden’s case he started out that way and moved far left. With Kammy she is already Left and will move further so.