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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: State Senator Abel Maldonado

I am pleased to offer this guest commentary from Senator Abel Maldonado, who represents California’s 15th District along the Central Coast…

John Chiang: A Controller Out of Control By State Senator Abel Maldonado

If your tax refund check is delayed, blame State Controller John Chiang’s irresponsible spending. While you’re trying to find a way to do more with less, the state controller is continuing to do less with more.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Ray Haynes

So why are state employees immune?

I read yesterday’s Flashreport with all of the stories in the mainstream media about laying off, and furloughing, state employees, and the negative impact that is having on state employee morale.

But look what is happening in the private sector. Thousands of private sector workers are losing their job, which is having a negative effect on state income and sales tax revenue, and that drop in revenue is resulting in state deficits. These deficits leave the state with the options of cutting spending, raising taxes, or both. Raising taxes will reduce private sector spending, costing more private sector jobs, further reducing income and sales tax revenues, and quite frankly, reducing the effectiveness that any tax increase may have toward increasing state revenue. Quite frankly, raising taxes will make the short term revenue problems worse.

Cutting spending will cost government jobs, for sure, but lots of people are losing their jobs right now. Government workers, and government worker unions, think that somehow they ought to be immune from these economic ups and downs. They always want more spending when revenues are up, and they never want to cut… Read More

Barry Jantz

Republican is the New Punk

As someone who has been questioned from time to time by "less diverse" conservatives and GOPers about my musical tastes — such as "How can you possibly listen to liberals like Dylan, The Clash, John Lennon, The Ramones, etc, etc?" — well, I just have to share the following.

And, let’s not forget the founding fathers were punks as well.

As a small group of great philosophers once said, "Hey ho, let’s go!"… Read More

Don’t Read This If You Want Your Day To Get Off To A Good Start

Waste Watchers:Taxpayers Provide Free Housing for Paroled Child Molesters With state government teetering on the verge of declared bankruptcy, one would think that complimentary HBO and free hotel rooms for convicted sex offenders at taxpayers’ expense would be a good place to cut. According to a Jan. 17, 2009 report in the Contra Costa Times and a MediaNews analysis of bank drafts issued by parole agents and addresses registered on the Megan’s Law sex offender database, “State corrections officials spent nearly $22 million last year on apartments and motelRead More

Meredith Turney

Senator Aanestad Exposes Dangerous Abortion Program

Senator Sam Aanestad has just released a shocking article about a state government program that is funding surgical abortion training for nurses and midwives. The main problem with this little program is that state law and the medical board prohibit nurses and midwives from performing surgical abortions. There are some stunning revelations in Senator Aanestad’s article: government waiver of legislature-approved laws simply to get more people performing abortions and the racist targeting of poor minority groups.

Regardless of where one stands on the abortion issue, we should all expect the medical profession to abide by the highest standards of conduct, for the safety of their patients. Targeting poor minority groups (by exploiting their financial plight) for this type of experimentation is unconscionable.

The program, the Healthcare Workforce Pilot Program #171, is coming up for renewal in March 2009. The Director of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, David Carlisle, should stop this program immediately, for the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“He Really Didn’t Used To Be This Bad”

"He really didn’t used to be this bad," I can imagine Congressman Kevin McCarthy telling his fellow Republican Congressman from California at their weekly delegation meeting, as they absorb the fact that despite the fact that every one of them opposed President Obama’s pork-laden "stimulus" boondoggle plan, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger embraced the plan, signing a letter encouraging its passage.

Perhaps the next time that Governor Schwarzenegger is in Washington, D.C., he can stop by a meeting of the California GOPers. Of course, if he did, I would recommend that freshman Representative Duncan D. Hunter stop by the office of his local Assemblyman, Joel Anderson, who can make him some name tags.

It seems remarkably shallow if the only criteria that Governor Schwarzenegger uses on judging this terrible legislation is "how much welfare do we get for California government" — we expect the Governor to apply more sophistication, and reject this kind of redistributive, Keynesian policy… Read More

Mike Spence

Viable GOP Candidate Emerges in 32nd CD and it’s not me!

IF Hilda Solis is confirmed as Secretary of Labor, a special election will be held to replace her. Conventional wisdom has that no GOP candidate can win. Some local GOP elected officials have even endorsed Judy Chu for that office. State Senator Gil Cedillo is also a big Democratic contender.

While Republican registration is 21%, the 32nd District (West Covina, Covina, Azusa, Baldwin Park, El Monte, Rosemead, Monterey Park and parts of Los Angeles) is more conservative than some areas. It is heavily Latino with a sizeable Asian population. Every city passed Proposition 8 easily.

Some have asked me to run. I am way to busy to have that kind of fun.

I recently met with a candidate that is viable in a special election low turnout scenario.

Teresa Hernandez was born and raised in the district. Teresa own with her husband Cielito Lindo Restaurant (the… Read More

James V. Lacy

Pornography Industry lawyer Obama’s pick for Deputy Attorney General

Barack H. Obama has nominated David Ogden, an accomplished lawyer for the "skin-flick" industry, for the important job of Deputy Attorney General of the United States. The Deputy AG serves as the prime manager of the Agency and the Administration’s justice policy. The Deputy AG post is also seen as a stepping stone and has been held bya number of prominent lawyers on their way up in government including William P. Rogers (later Nixon’s Secretary of State), Lawrence Walsh (later Iran-Contra prosecutor), Richard Kleindienst (who went on to be Attorney General), Ramsey Clark (anotherDemocrat mistake), Warren Christopher (later Carter’s Secretary of State), Benjamin Civiletti (whoalso went on to be Attorney General), and Eric Holder, the current Attorney General.

Ogden’s legal skills as a porn lawyer include representation ofthe biggest distributor ofhard-core pornographic films,as well as raunchy Penthouse magazine and tamer Playboy. His cases include opposition to spam filters on computers in public libraries, even where unsupervised children have… Read More

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