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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Lincoln Club of Fresno County Press Release On Budget Deal

The following is the text of a press release by the Lincoln Club of Fresno County sent this morning regarding the budget deal:

Indefensible Budget Deal Will Crush Economy- Enable Dysfunctional State Government Fresno, California – “The budget deal struck early this morning by unanimous vote of Democrats in Sacramento, and Republicans Mike Villines, Anthony Adams, Roger Niello, Dave Cogdill, Roy Ashburn and Abel Maldenado is a disaster for California’s economy, a crushing burden on California’s taxpayers and small businesses, and an enabler of California’s dysfunctional, bloated Government to continue unabated”, said Lincoln Club Chairman Michael Der Manouel, Jr. this morning. “We already know GovernorRead More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Votes For Open Primaries

The following Republican legislators voted to place on the ballot a "reform" of California’s election process to end partisan primary system. Under the proposal that will appear on the June 2010 ballot thanks to their critical votes, all voters may cast their ballots for any candidate, and the top two candidates, regardless of political party, move on to a general election runoff. This system is more or less designed to reduce the influence of the party system, and create more moderate, middle of the road public officials. I would note that it is a certainty, in my opinion, that under this system, we would never again in California have enough conservatives in the legislature to stop routine 2/3rds vote to raise taxes (which, by the way, IF the so-called spending limit that will be on the upcoming special election ballot passes, would also raise the spending cap).

SENATE Roy Ashburn Dave Cogdill Dave Cox Jeff Denham Abel Maldonado

ASSEMBLY Bill Berryhill Tom Berryhill Sam… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Villines, Adams, Niello seal the deal…

In the Assembly —

Republican Assemblymen Mike Villines, Anthony Adams and Roger Niello put up the necessary Republican votes to pass the $14 billion + in new taxes.

Oh — and to make matters even worse, Republican legislators flocked onto measure to place an open primary on next June’s primary ballot. Wonderful "reforms" team — taxes, and then a measure designed to destroy political parties.

I am tired, so you’ll have to wait to get more thoughts on all of this from me.

If you are bored today, you can call the Governor and ask him to veto the taxes that he wants and the open primary that he wants. But it would be a waste of time.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ashburn, Cogdill, Maldonado

These three Republican Senators: Roy Ashburn, Dave Cogdill, and Abel Maldonado all just vote to approve over $14 billion in new taxes, along with (of course) every Democrat.

It is a sad, depressing day indeed. Horrible for taxpayers, and terrible for the Republican Party.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Larry McCallon for CRP Vice Chairman, Inland Region

Larry McCallon is a well known name to those involved in GOP circles in San Bernardino County. He’s an elected member of the San Bernardino County Republican Central Committee, now having served two years on the County Party’s Executive Committee. He’s on the City Council in Highland (which he pointed out to me is the city at the base of the mountains before you climb up to Big Bear). With over two decades of service to his country in the Air Force, Larry is a patriot, and a recipient of the Bronze Star award.

Soon, Larry will become well known in statewide Republican circles as he joins the State GOP Board of Directors as a Regional Vice Chairman. Larry is a good conservative, and a smart one (contrary to popular belief, not all conservatives are smart). I support him for this office, and I hope you do, too. Currently McCallon is running unopposed for this seat which has been occupied by Acquanetta Warren, who is forced to retire due to term limits.

Below is a column from Larry, and below that — some of his endorsements!

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Big Compromise

So this is it, huh? For a $70 billion dollar, five year tax hike, all its going to take is a blanket primary and some pay cuts for legislators if they do a late budget. The Democrats will take that deal all day long.

I couldn’t be more embarrassed of this "deal" and can’t fathom that anyone can believe it is worth a $70 billion hit to taxpayers already taxed at the highest rates in nation.

Should we just introduce a resolution to disband the State GOP this weekend in Sacramento? What else will there be to do? Attend seminars about "getting out the vote" or "speaking to the media" when our own legislators can’t even stand firm on tax increases.

Abel Maldenado, either you are not too bright, or a closet tax collector for the welfare state. What a sad, disgusting episode in our State’s history.… Read More

Meredith Turney

The Legislature’s Misplaced Priorities

Readers of today’s Flash Report main page probably noticed some articles about the Assembly Judiciary Committee passing an anti-Proposition 8 resolution yesterday, HR 5. This news was probably lost in the intense focus on budget debates, but taxpayers should be outraged about this for two reasons.

First, why on earth is the legislature spending taxpayer dollars to hear a resolution (non-binding pontificating) on an issue that voters decided twice (at great expense to the state already)? Maybe it had something to do with that fact that anti-Proposition 8 organization Equality California had been planning a lobby day for their supporters for months and Democrat leadership didn’t want to disappoint them. (If only conservative organizations could coordinate with the legislature on the timing of our committee hearings!)

Packing committee room 4202 with their supporters, including the ubiquitous attorney Gloria Allred, the Assembly held an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

For the GOP – Double Trouble

As a Republican, I guess you have to use some minor amount of political sophistication to figure out that if the GOP is responsible for passing the largest single tax increase in the history of any state ever, that the cynism of Republican voters with their own party will only increase (check out how many registered Republicans opted not to vote last November).

That said, it is pretty simple to understand how deadly a “Washington State” style open primary system would be to, frankly, both major political parties. First and foremost, the system ends voter registration by political party all together. Secondly, under that system, a party isn't even assured a candidate on the general election ballot.

For Dems, the taxes are a plus, the open primary, a minus. For GOPers — it's ALL Bad.

Abel Maldonado's request to place an effective termination of the political party system on the ballot should be summarily rejected. SHAME on him for advocating it.… Read More

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