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Barry Jantz

Anderson’s Iran Press Release

See Doug LaMalfa’s post immediately below. Here’s the Anderson release:

California Assembly Passes Historic Iran Divestment Bill Anderson’s legislation has strong bi-partisan support Anderson: “Money is the Mother’s Milk of Terrorism.” Sacramento, CA – Today, the California State Assembly overwhelmingly passed Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s (R-El Cajon) Assembly Bill 221 to divest California’s public retirement funds from key foreign businesses that invest in Iran.

“I am gratified by my colleagues’ strong bi-partisan support for this legislation, which will end California taxpayers’ investment in key foreign companies that invest in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Anderson.

Democrat Majority Whip Fiona Ma, a primary co-author of AB 221, said, “When CalPERS and CalSTRS invest State retirement funds in Iran, they put these investments at risk.”

“California’s taxpayers should not be investing in a country which funds terrorism,” said Anderson. “Money is the mother’s milk of terrorism.”

The California State Senate will be reviewingRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Divesting Terrorist Investments: AB 221 Passes Off Assembly Floor

Assemblyman Joel Anderson successfully moved his bill, AB 221,today to get CalPers and CalStrs investments out of companies invested in Iran. After some incredible testimony in Appropriations Committee byCalPers representativesjustifying investing in Iran for these retirement programs, a bi-partisan vote, even including very stern comments by Dem members against these investments, it came to our floor and succeeded today, by atally of 69-0. Congrats to Joel on an exceptional effort to support our nation’s policy on terror purveyors and send the right message.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fred Thompson’s Presidential Campaign Taps Californian Ken Khachigian

FlashReport heard today from longtime FR friend, Orange County attorney and veteran presidential adviser, Ken Khachigian, confirming that he had signed aboard the Fred Thompson campaign as a national adviser.

Since I had a chance to ask a couple of question, I started with the obvious one, why Thompson?

“I’ve known Fred for nearly 35 years and, beyond our personal friendship, have always had enormous professional respect for him. Winning the presidency in 2008 will require a candidate who can blend focus, presence, leadership, experience, command, knowledge of issues and an ability to communicate. That pretty much defines Fred Thompson.”

I asked if his decision to back Thompson was a reflection on the other GOP candidates. Ken wouldn’t bite… … Read More

Barry Jantz

Paris Visits the LA County Hilton

Since Fleischman linked to a story on the main FR page in this regard, that gives me the ok to blog about Paris.

What is everyone in a tizzy about? Twenty-three days of peace and quiet to catch up on my sleep and reading, and three regular meals a day? What I would give to have that luxury!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Migden, Maldo, Mike, and Missing the Point

I’m pressed for time this morning.

So here are a few quick thoughts reflecting on some of the news today:

1) I wonder what the District Attorney up in Wine Country will do with the hot-potato thrown his or her way by the California Highway Patrol — their recommendation to file reckless driving charges stemming from her recent collision. There is a silver lining for Migden, however. San Francisco seems to like pro-criminal Democrats in office — so being charged with a crime may help her secure more support in her re-election, where she is facing the VERY pro-criminal Mark Leno.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Migden, Maldo, Mike, and Missing the Point

I’m pressed for time this morning.

So here are a few quick thoughts reflecting on some of the news today:

1) I wonder what the District Attorney up in Wine Country will do with the hot-potato thrown his or her way by the California Highway Patrol — their recommendation to file reckless driving charges stemming from her recent collision. There is a silver lining for Migden, however. San Francisco seems to like pro-criminal Democrats in office — so being charged with a crime may help her secure more support in her re-election, where she is facing the VERY pro-criminal Mark Leno.

2) Yesterday our Governor sent a letter to the President and Senate Leadership where he applauded their efforts on immigration reform, and then went on to register a complaint about some tertiary component of the plan. The opportunity missed in his letter, of course, was objecting to the granting of legal status (amnesty) to what is estimated to be over twelve MILLION criminal aliens. Talk about being so focused on the trees that you miss the forest… Sigh.

3) Yesterday Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, along with FR’s own Dan… Read More

Jill Buck

Assemblyman LaMalfa – a Voice of Reason

It was a slow news day on cablechannels today during my lunch break. My choices were Wolf Blitzer, or 3 other channels of what Savage calls "leg crossers." So, just to see what was new on the floor of the Assembly, I tuned into the California channel 75, and watched a litany of gasbags try to defend another attempt on the part of the State to trample local government. The bill being "discussed" would block a new dairy that the local government worked on for 8 years to ensure its environmental impact to the community was as minimal as possible with current technology, and that the community had more than ample time for input. And just when the community was in agreement, Democrats in the Assembly decided they knew better. Nicole Parra, the Assemblywoman representing the area in question, had 8 years to interject herself in the public process of the dairy’s placement, but waited until the 11th hour to circumvent local government with the help of her Orwellian buddies in Sacramento.

Democrats came at the issue in a two prong attack: first, that the dairy was bad for the environment (which Assemblyman LaMalfa debunked when he spoke knowledgeably… Read More

Mike Spence

Is Perata a bullying hypocrite?

In today’s in box was the Capitol Alert from the Capitol Resource Institute, a pro-family lobby group in Sacramento. The State Senate passed SCR 46 declaring the second week in November “California Anti-Bullying Week”. One part of the definition given for bullying is"…excluding others on purpose..". The alert goes on to remind folks of Perata’s actions towards fellow Democrats he didn’t like. Remember locking members out of their offices? See the whole thing here.Read More