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Mike Spence

Arnold Signs Budget, Union Think Tank Fully Funded

The Governor signed his budget. One of the easiest reducations that could have been made to meet his $700 million in promised reducation was to wipe out the $6 million in the State Budget to support labor education and research at the UC. That didn’t happen.

He did take outfor the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and agricultural research. He also wiped out $8 million from the Public Library Foundation.

If I had to choose between a taxpayer funded labor union operation or library books. Well, I think everyone would choose the same way, except the Gov. and the union bosses.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: “Divvying Up California” (and a GOPer under federal probe retires…)

Two interesting items from today’s WSJ Political Diary E-mail, from FR friend (and native Californian) John Fund…

Divvying Up California

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has poured cold water on a fellow Republican’s idea for a ballot initiative that would end the practice of awarding all of California’s Electoral College votes to the statewide winner. Under the proposed reform, the winner in each of the state’s 53 Congressional districts would collect one electoral vote, while the remaining two (representing the state’s two U.S. Senate seats) would go to the statewide winner. In 2004, under the proposed formula, George W. Bush… Read More

Barry Jantz

Plescia’s New COS

Legislative chiefs of staff come and go, of course, but really good ones are hard to find and keep. Congrats to George Plescia for promoting Janelle Riella to COS (a great selection!), and best wishes toShaun Flanigan as he leaves theAssembly for the Flanigan Law Firm as a legislative advocate. Elizabeth Helmsin has also been named Plescia’s capitol director.

I particularly liked Janelle’s message to me, which — yes — she understood was for publication:

“I am looking forward to my new role as chief of staff to one of the hardest working and most honest people I have ever known — George Plescia. I have been fortunate to have worked for Team Plescia and with so many other great people in San Diego County. In fact, it seems like just yesterday I was interning for you, Barry, learning everything there is to know about politics!”

Kinda makes me feel like a proud papa.… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Time Is Running Out For Redistricting Reform

As the Legislature enters the final weeks of the 2007 legislative session, lawmakers are sorting through the hundreds of proposals that await our action before we adjourn for the year.

The Legislature has a tremendous opportunity this year to end the practice of politicians drawing their own legislative district lines and restore those powers to the people. By working together, Democrats and Republican alike, we can pass a redistricting reform measure that will end politics as usual in Sacramento.

By passing meaningful redistricting reform, we will strengthen the voice of the voters at the ballot box.

Californians deserve better than our current broken system that lets politicians’ hand-pick their voters. By reforming the system, we can give voters a more influential voice, allowing them to choose rightfully who represents them in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

The current system has resulted in severe gerrymandering, which has created a hodgepodge of political districts. Today, some State Senate districts are drawn to take in minor portions of several communities to give advantage to one party or the other. One State Senate… Read More

Time Is Running Out For Redistricting Reform

As the Legislature enters the final weeks of the 2007 legislative session, lawmakers are sorting through the hundreds of proposals that await our action before we adjourn for the year.

The Legislature has a tremendous opportunity this year to end the practice of politicians drawing their own legislative district lines and restore those powers to the people. By working together, Democrats and Republican alike, we can pass a redistricting reform measure that will end politics as usual in Sacramento.

By passing meaningful redistricting reform, we will strengthen the voice of the voters at the ballot box.

Californians deserve better than our current broken system that lets politicians’ hand-pick their voters. By reforming the system, we can give voters a more influential voice, allowing them to choose rightfully who represents them in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

The current system has resulted in severe gerrymandering, which has created a hodgepodge of political districts. Today, some State Senate districts are drawn to take in minor portions of several communities to give advantage to one party or the other. One State Senate… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Girard abruptly pulls out of AD 64 GOP primary – Big shakeup for field…

There is a vibrant Republican primary taking place in the Inland Empire’s 64th Assembly District (a "safe" seat for the GOP). This district that spans from Riverside out to the Coachella Valley is currently represented by conservative Assemblyman John Benoit, who is a candidate for the State Senate. One of the front running candidates in that primary was businesswoman Rose Girard. Well, not anymore. We’ve found out that Girard has made a relatively sudden decision to end her candidacy, supposed to focus more on personal business opportunities. I’m sure that we’ll hear more about this. That said, her departure certainly leaves a vacuum in the field. But, she was also not the only candidate running. Others in the race include John Pate (Cons. Tim Clark/JohnsonClark), Kelly McCarty (Cons. Matt Rexroad/Meridian Pacific), and Angel Sanchez (Cons. Joe Giardello). I caught up to the local State Senator (and a FlashReport correspondent) Jim Battin, who told me that he felt that Girard’s departure makes Kelly McCarty the front runner in the race. In doing a little poking around tonight, it… Read More

AD 2 Update — Schaupp Throws His Hat in The Ring

The Woodland Daily Democrat is reporting that Charlie Schaupp is running for the GOP nomination in AD 2.

Schaupp served 26 years as a Marine Reserve (he saw action in Fallujah) and his family has been farming in Yolo county Since the 1880s. He was also the Chairman of the Yolo County Republican Party from 1998-2000.

Already announced is former State Senator Jim Nielsen and Siskiyou County Dentist/Party Chairman Sam Wakim

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is still room for a candidate to enter who comes from Shasta County.… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – LA Agency’s Procurement Shops ‘til It Drops

Hundreds of printers, 3,000 cartridges, and truckloads of other paraphernalia in undisclosed warehouses, all leading to millions of wasted dollars. It would be fitting to assume this report is about a counterfeit money production crime ring. Instead, it’s about the LA County Department of Children and Family Services, led by apparent shopaholics with a knack for squandering taxpayers’ money.

According to the Los Angeles Times (August 9, 2007), an audit has uncovered that “Los Angeles County’s child welfare agency wasted more than $1 million on unnecessary or overpriced equipment and failed to adequately keep track of hundreds of thousands of dollars more in supplies.” Despite LA County’s tarnished financial records, the magnitude of this agency’s overzealous buying habits is alarming. “I think it’s probably the most significant departure from purchasing practices that I’ve ever seen,” said the auditor-controller, whose career with the county has… Read More