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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fresno Unified School Board: Stand Up To The FTA

The beleaguered Fresno Unified School District finally has a Board and Executive Leadership team that "gets it": you can’t serve the interests of schoolchildren without being financially stable. In my op-ed piece today in the Fresno Bee, I exhort the Board to stand tall against the Fresno Teachers Association – and not because I am opposed to teacher, but because it is actually in the interest of the teachers to lose this fight over a contract.

As you might expect, instead of placing a high value on the District’s financial status, the FTA is playing the negotiations right out of the NEA playbook – acting ugly in the process.

The FUSD Board needs to hang tough in this fight.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Today’s Commentary: Republicans to pick up 3 seats in the Assembly

There seems to be a new trend in California. Republicans running for the State Assembly ….as Democrats.

The first one does not really surprise me much. San Mateo County Supervisor Jerry Hill was a registered Republican for several decades. When he was elected to the non-partisan San Mateo City Council in 1991 he was a registered Republican.

Hill is now running for AD 19.

**There is more – click the link**

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Matt Rexroad

Republicans to pick up 3 seats in the Assembly

There seems to be a new trend in California. Republicans running for the State Assembly ….as Democrats.

The first one does not really surprise me much. San Mateo County Supervisor Jerry Hill was a registered Republican for several decades. When he was elected to the non-partisan San Mateo City Council in 1991 he was a registered Republican.

Hill is now running for AD 19.

He was a Republican because years ago he wanted to support former Congressman Pete McCloskey in his run for President. I can buy that. I know some big name Republicans that actually voted for Gray Davis in the 1998 Democrat open primary thinking that he was the only one that the people of California would never actually elect as Governor.

If you read his policy positions it seems pretty clear that he would be far more comfortable in the political party with Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, and gang.

The next two are a little different.

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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep, John Campbell: “John Doolittle should retire.”

From the AP Wire:

Calif. GOP House member says Doolittle shouldn’t seek re-election Associated Press Newswires WASHINGTON (AP) – Republican Congressman John Campbell of Orange County says it would be best if fellow GOP Representative John Doolittle doesn’t run for re-election. Campbell, who made his comments Wednesday in an interview with The Associated Press, is the first of Doolittle’s colleagues in the House to call publicly for him to step aside.Read More

OC Lincoln Club Endorses Harkey for AD 73

The Orange County Lincoln Club announced today that they have endorsed Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey in her bid for Assembly District 73 (now held by Mimi Walters who is seeking the 33rd Senate District seat held by Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman who is termed-out).

Harkey has the support of Assemblywoman Walters, Congressman John Campbell and virtually every other elected official in Orange County. Adding the Lincoln Club is however a big boost since their membership is attracted to candidates like Harkey who have a business background themselves. Harkey has already enjoyed significant contributions from Lincoln Club members and will likely see more going forward.


ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. (Oct. 15, 2007) – The Lincoln Club Board of Directors last Friday unanimously endorsed Hon. Diane Harkey, Mayor of Dana Point, for the 73rd Assembly District. Harkey is… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Bad Day For Career Politicians Looking To Extend Their Careers – Campaign Against Proposition 93 Expanding

Whose day was worse yesterday? The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, a club that is one heartbreaking game away from losing another championship contest; or California’s professional political class? Not only are supporters of the term limits modification initiative, Proposition 93, reeling from poor public polling numbers released earlier this week, today they received another dose of depressing news: Bill Postmus, the immediate past chair of the San Bernardino County Republican Party, has joined the ranks of Assembly Republican leadership, grassroots activists, and thousands of Californians in an effort to defeat Prop 93.Proposition 93 aims to prolong the government service of career politicians who cannot seem to accept California’s longstanding support of legislative term limits for the state’s political class. Read the No On 93 Campaign’s … Read More

Bad Day For Career Politicians Looking To Extend Their Careers – Campaign Against Proposition 93 Expanding

Whose day was worse yesterday? The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, a club that is one heartbreaking game away from losing another championship contest; or California’s professional political class? Not only are supporters of the term limits modification initiative, Proposition 93, reeling from poor public polling numbers released earlier this week, today they received another dose of depressing news: Bill Postmus, the immediate past chair of the San Bernardino County Republican Party, has joined the ranks of Assembly Republican leadership, grassroots activists, and thousands of Californians in an effort to defeat Prop 93.Proposition 93 aims to prolong the government service of career politicians who cannot seem to accept California’s longstanding support of legislative term limits for the state’s political class. Read the No On 93 Campaign’s … Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: No on 93 Ad – Starring Fabian Nunez!

The first of many, given that Don Perata and Fabian Nunez continue to be such a rich source for material on why neither of them should be granted more time in the legislature… (kudos to FR friend Greg Hill over at GBWA for his fine work on this.) … Read More