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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

She’s for Rudy, He’s for Mitt

My friend Justin Sayfie runs the Sayfie Review Website on Florida Politics, over in the Sunshine State. (Our sites may look similar as we use the same development firm out of Orlando). Justin also has recently launched Sayfie News, a website focusing on national politics. Anyways, he took the time to interview U.S. Representative Connie Mack (R-Fl) about his recent endorsement of Mitt Romney for President. You can see that interview below if you would like. What is the nexus to California politics? Well, Connie Mack is engaged to marry California’s own Mary Bono, who represents Riverside County in the U.S. House. The fun "kicker" here is that Bono has endorsed Giuliani. I guess this vastly increases the likelyhood that someone will have access to the best parties at next year’s GOP National Convention! … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Keep firefighters in your thoughts and prayers…

Instead of a traditional commentary this morning, we want to use this space to ask FR readers to keep firefighters and other first-responders in their prayers as they are battling the staggering amount of wildfires throughout Southern California. As many readers know, my family lives in Irvine, California. Well, we are so close to one of the fires that ashes are all around the neighborhood, and the smell of smoke permeates everywhere, indoors and out. From where we are, the fire is just a couple of miles away, burning through the dense foliage on the north side of our town. Our friends, Dick and Linda Ackerman (yeah, the Senate Republican Leader) actually live about a mile closer to the fire than we do. I spoke with Dick and Linda several times last night, and with Dick this morning. They are safe, but of course we all get concerned when this kind of incident comes this close to our daily lives. This morning it was announced by authorities here in Orange County that the source of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Keep firefighters in your thoughts and prayers…

Instead of a traditional commentary this morning, we want to use this space to ask FR readers to keep firefighters and other first-responders in their prayers as they are battling the staggering amount of wildfires throughout Southern California. As many readers know, my family lives in Irvine, California. Well, we are so close to one of the fires that ashes are all around the neighborhood, and the smell of smoke permeates everywhere, indoors and out. From where we are, the fire is just a couple of miles away, burning through the dense foliage on the north side of our town. Our friends, Dick and Linda Ackerman (yeah, the Senate Republican Leader) actually live about a mile closer to the fire than we do. I spoke with Dick and Linda several times last night, and with Dick this morning. They are safe, but of course we all get concerned when this kind of incident comes this close to our daily lives. This morning it was announced by authorities here in Orange County that the source of… Read More

James V. Lacy

Today’s Commentary: Dean Ken Starr Sets His Sights On Wine Deregulation

Last Sunday I was delighted to fly to San Francisco and meet with Pepperdine Law School Dean, former Solicitor General of the United States, and Independent Counsel investigator of President Bill Clinton, Ken Starr, to talk about… deregulation!

As a Pepperdine Law graduate myself and fellow Reagan Administration alumni, I had a couple of other reasons to really enjoy our 2 hour meeting, but the main purpose of our discussion had to do with a project that is close to Dean Starr’s heart (and also good for it), namely, working to oppose prohibitionist-style laws that still exist in many states that bar the direct shipment of wine to consumers. These regulatory barriers, including barriers to direct purchase and shipment of wine over the internet, exist in large states such as Texas and New Jersey, and are highly discriminatory against smaller family wineries in California that produce high quality products but cannot get access to these states for sales through theoutmoted "three tier"… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…CD 52 Update: You Can’t Plan to Win, If You Don’t Do the Spin

Which of the four currently-announced GOP candidates is leading the money race in the open Duncan Hunter seat? Well, that depends on the author of the respective press release. Check out three of the contenders’ excerpted samplings from the last week…

Duncan D. Hunter Congressional Campaign Leads Race for FundsLa Mesa, CA – In spite of the fact that their candidate is serving his country 8000 miles away, the Duncan D. Hunter for Congress campaign announced today that they are leading all challengers in the race for campaign funds… The Hunter for Congress committee has raised $170,730 this year – all of it while Duncan D. Hunter, a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, has been serving in Afghanistan. Bob Watkins Delivers Strong Early Campaign Finance Report: Campaign Cash Tops All Others in Race(San Diego) – Although opening his congressional campaign committee just three weeks before the September 30, 2007 finance filing deadline, former San Diego County Lincoln Club Chairman – Republican Bob WatkinsRead More

James V. Lacy

Dean Ken Starr Sets His Sights On Wine Deregulation

Last Sunday I was delighted to fly to San Francisco and meet with Pepperdine Law School Dean, former Solicitor General of the United States, and Independent Counsel investigator of President Bill Clinton, Ken Starr, to talk about… deregulation!

As a Pepperdine Law graduate myself and fellow Reagan Administration alumni, I had a couple of other reasons to really enjoy our 2 hour meeting, but the main purpose of our discussion had to do with a project that is close to Dean Starr’s heart (and also good for it), namely, working to oppose prohibitionist-style laws that still exist in many states that bar the direct shipment of wine to consumers. These regulatory barriers, including barriers to direct purchase and shipment of wine over the internet, exist in large states such as Texas and New Jersey, and are highly discriminatory against smaller family wineries in California that produce high quality products but cannot get access to these states for sales through theoutmoted "three tier"… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Republicans Pick up Louisiana Governorship

Congressman Bobby Jindal has become America’s first Indian-American Governor tonight, replacing the pathetic Democrat Kathleen Blanco whose disastrous handling of Katrina forced her to not seek re-election. Jindal won with over 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff and becomes the youngest Governor in the nation.

Let’s hope Mary Landrieu is next to go.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tom McClintock’s Speech at Western CPAC

It’s days like today when FlashReport readers can be pleased that our good friend Tom McClintock has given the FR carte blanche to publish his writings here on this site. Well, if you weren’t able to attend the Western Conservative Political Action Conference last weekend, then you missed one heck of a speech by Tom. The good news is that the entire speech was reprinted on Tom’s website, and now I am pleased to present it, in its entirety, right here:

You have extended me a very dangerous invitation tonight – to speak to a gathering of political conservatives on the day that Al Gore has received the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering that the earth’s climate is changing.Read More