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Jon Fleischman

Jim Battin’s been “elfing around” too — with friends!

At the holiday time, you should always endeavor to give a gift greater than the one you receive.

I’m not the only one who (see Jim Battin’s post below this one) has been "elfing around" — Jim’s been at it, too. And with two of his good friends.

Check Jim and his friends out here.… Read More

Jim Battin

Jon’s Been Elfing Around!

At the risk of being banned forever from the FlashReport…..

Click here for the best Holiday card! (it’s worth it)

Jon’s been elfing around!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Creative Holiday Cards

Nominations are coming in for "most creative holiday card" from political firms. Below are links to two great contenders — the first from the Federal Strategy Group (managing partner Jason Roe, former FR Beltway Correspondent) and the second from Bieber Communications (owner Jim Bieber is a longtime friend of the FR).

Check them out!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Perata-Gate Continues: Denham Recall Organizer to Signature Gatherers – “Don’t tell them you are from Michigan…”

Senate President Don Perata’s embarrassment and legal exposure continues to grow as "his" recall effort against State Senator Jeff Denham continues to spiral to new depths of unethical, inappropriate and probably illegal activity.

Last week we brought you exclusive audio recordings of recall-petition circulators admitting that they were from out of the district, which is against California state law. You can check that out here.

Today, in an even more starting and brazen display of stupidity, we have obtained an audio recording that we’re told is the answering machine of one of the senior managers of the signature gathering effort.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Perata-Gate Continues: Denham Recall Organizer to Signature Gatherers – “Don’t tell them you are from Michigan…”

Senate President Don Perata’s embarrassment and legal exposure continues to grow as "his" recall effort against State Senator Jeff Denham continues to spiral to new depths of unethical, inappropriate and probably illegal activity.

Last week we brought you exclusive audio recordings of recall-petition circulators admitting that they were from out of the district, which is against California state law. You can check that out here.

Today, in an even more starting and brazen display of stupidity, we have obtained an audio recording that we’re told is the answering machine of one of the senior managers of the signature gathering effort.

In what can only be from the files of "You have to HEAR it to believe it" — the voicemail (on a non-California number I might add) says:

“I have a message for the folks working on the Denham Recall – you are beingRead More

Jennifer Nelson

SF schools—give JROTC an extension; open a school for “social justice”

The San Francisco school board voted tonight to allow the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps to operate at least one more year in the public schools. Activist groups, including Code Pink, have been agitating to have the group thrown out of the schools. Never mind that the school district gets close to $1 million to run the program ($1.7 million, which they split with feds). Never mind that three-quarters of the students involved with the program told the district that the program made them feel "safe and appreciated in high school” while only 16 percent reported being interested in a career in the military. And never mind that most of the kids use the JROTC marching drills to meet their PE requirements. Code Pink told the SF Chronicle that the kids "should have a choice of better things to do." Just not the "choice" to join JROTC. So typical of the Left.

At the same meeting, the school board approved a new… Read More

National Review Endorses Romney

The National Review has endorsed Mitt Romney for President.

National Reviews writes: "Romney is a full-spectrum conservative: a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest." "Romney is an exemplary family man and a patriot whose character matches the high office to which he aspires." … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gibson’s endorsement butresses “Fortress Harkey”

Mimi Walters knows all too well what a formidable opponent Jim Gibson can me. In Mimi’s first and ultimately successful run for the Assembly, she won in a three-way primary. While most pundits saw then-OC Supervisor Tom Wilson as Mimi’s primary opponent, it was ultimately Gibson, a school board trustee from Vista, in San Diego County, that ran second.

The 73rd Assembly District, while mostly in South Orange County, takes in a sizable chunk of Northern San Diego County.

Fast forward to the not-so-distant past, and the special election for the 35th State Senate District, vacated by John Campbell when he replaced Chris Cox in Congress (I know, terribly confusing). Dana Point City Councilwoman Diane Harkey ran a strong, conservative campaign against Assemblyman Tom “son of the open primary” Harman. Harman eeked out a victory by a handful of votes…

Fast forward to the present. Mimi Walters is now the front-runner in a bid for the 33rd State Senate GOP primary, where Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman is term-limited out of office. Thus we once again have an open 73rd… Read More