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Mike Spence

Where is John Wayne when you need him?

In old western days when settlers found themselves surrounded by hostile forces (I’m so P.C) they would circle the wagons.

Now in Los Angeles after years of losing battle after battle with the labor bosses, LA’s businesses are circling the wagons.

The local business federation is trying to organize and be as political active as the unions that control the city of L.A.

A good way to start would for businesses to stop giving ammo to the Democratic politicians that kowtow to the unions. Try that too. Partner.Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Assembly Hurries To Get Out Of Town

With the leftover 2007 bills the main core of our file, the talk is that we are trying to grind it all out today/tonight and allow members to get back to their districts, etc. [perhaps to tryand save the failing Prop 93 campaign?] Some of these bills include stuff that couldn’t pass muster the first time, like the SUV tax bill, or others that were just held in committee previously. It should be a long but battle-inspiring day trying to stop the "triple star oppose" bills, which is the term our caucususes forthe really bad ones, like the SUV tax.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Joel Fox: America Needs President John McCain

FR Friend Joel Fox has been a McCain for President man for a long time, having served as a Statewide Co-Chair for his run in 2000. He’s President of the Small Business Action Committee. *Later on I will be posting a piece from Assemblyman Bob Huff that talks about his decision to endorse Mitt Romney, and is quite critical of McCain — so for all of those looking for balance — it’s coming…*

So without further introduction, Joel’s piece on McCain:

The California budget mess should echo with Republican voters as they consider their vote in the upcoming presidential primary election. Out-of-control spending has crippled California’s fiscal standing. In Washington, pork barrel spending destroys common sense and undermines the voters’ respect for the stewards of our tax dollars. Controlling Washington’s proliferate ways is one importantRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on a potential Whitman/Poizner Showdown in 2010

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Post-Arnold?

Meg Whitman, the retiring chairman of the Internet auction site eBay, is telling colleagues she has no current plans to run for governor of California as a Republican in 2010 when Arnold Schwarzenegger is termed out of office. But my California sources tell me the 53-year-old corporate powerhouse caught the political bug this year raising money for Mitt Romney, with whom she worked at the venture capital firm Bain & Co.

This month, Ms. Whitman made the rounds of key Republican groups in the state and got a warm reception. She would bring a sterling record of running eBay for a decade along with the advantage of being a fresh face on the California… Read More

Barry Jantz

Plescia Endorses Duncan D. Hunter in CD 52….a Quick Endorsement Analysis

With the announcement yesterday that Assemblyman George Plescia is supporting the younger Hunter for Congress, I asked myself how the endorsements seem to be flowingthus far among the candidates. That is, if endorsements amount to a hill of beans when it’s all done.

Santee Councilman Brian Jones seemed to get out early, locking in a number of East County local electeds. Many of those folks, if they had been asked to stay neutral until Duncan D. returned from Afghanistan so they could meet him, may have felt at least temporarily obligated to do so. But, Congressman Hunter was tied up in a larger campaign. So, the person doing the asking was Jones, who was all over the place garnering support fromhis fellow locals.

County Board of Ed President Bob Watkinshas nailed down some non-East County but significant locals like Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox and County Supervisor Ron Roberts. Given Watkins’ long service with the Lincoln Club, he no doubt is more prone to getting early support from the "downtown SD establishment."… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Off the Transom: McCain Names CA Leadership Team

This is hot off the presses from Team McCain:

CALIFORNIA LEADERSHIP TEAM State Chair The Honorable Bill Jones – Former California Secretary of State Honorary Vice Chairs Mayor Alan Autry, Fresno Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County The Honorable James Brulte – Former State SenateRead More

Brandon Powers

Committeeman Campaign: Different Campaigns, Different Results?

It’s been interesting to watch therace for National Committeeman unfold, as the campaigns beingwagedhave been as different as the canddiates themselves.

Challenger Shawn Steel has stuck to what’s worked time and again in CRP races. Highlight what you’ve done – in Shawn’s case shinging a light on having narrowed the registration gap in the state, and having overseen the Party the last time we picked up any Legislative seats.Showcase endorsements.For Shawn that being an overwhelming majority of State Assemblymen, and bunches and bunches of other electeds and County Chairs. Shawn has put together a very strong race, one you’d frankly normally only expect from an incumbent. If Shawn turns his people out, or gathers their Proxies, (and there’s no reason to expect he won’t)he’s in good shape.

Incumbent Tim Morgan is running, let’s say, a more low key, more unconventional race. Instead of touting endorsements en masse, building to a crescendo with displays of support nearing the Convention, Tim has chosen to really only trumpet one endorsement (that I can recall) and instead fill delegates’… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 9 Days Out

Nothing. But one of my friends got a pro-Prop 93 piece featuring the Governor with some bizarre color schemes.… Read More