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Barry Jantz

Cap Weekly Has Plescia’s Score Wrong

[PUBLISHER’S NOTE ADDED TO BARRY’S POST:  I am aware of errors in the scoring of Senator Tom Harmon, and of Assemblyman Bob Huff as well in CW’s ratings.  Once we know all of the errors, we’ll get something comprehensive up on the site – Flash]

Assemblyman George Plescia just contacted me about yesterday’s Cap Weekly rankings, which were linked from the FR main page.  He is rightfully irked by the scoring, since it incorrectly shows he voted FOR the 2008-09 budget.  Per George:

Let’s make it clear there was a HUGE mistake. It says I voted for the 2008/09 budget with a tax increase. I obviously voted AGAINST the tax increase budget. Therefore my score is more conservative than printed. We have made Capitol Weekly aware of the mistake.

Good.  And, let’s further make it clear that he voted against the budget, along with nearly every other GOP member, and he still has an office in the Capitol.