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Jon Fleischman

John McCain the POW

I found this video to be pretty powerful. Read More

Jon Fleischman

AAPC’s in the house!

My personal blogging is low-volume today as I am in the People’s Republic of Santa Monica for the annual convention of the American Association of Political Consultants. I was actually invited by Frank Schubert of California’s Schubert-Flint Public Affairs (Frank is on the AAPC’s Board of Directors) to speak on a panel this morning on the “business of blogging” – which was fun. Frank spoke about budgeting in a business, and also on the panel was political attorney Cary Davidson of Reed & Davidson who spoke about contracts.

Catch you all later, I am going to go mill around all of the cool vendor tables. Look! There’s Vince Monaco!… Read More

Jim Battin

What’s Going On With The Assembly Tax Games?

I’ve been thinking about this for a couple days now….. and I’m still scratching my head.

What the heck is the strategy behind the taxincrease games the Assembly Democrats are playing?

With the steadfast resolve put forward by the Assembly Republican leadership and members in their opposition to taxes – the thinking behind putting up a bill that would raise the price of gasoline (according to the Sac Bee) is just a little nutty.

It allows the Reps to stand strong for working families and paints the Dems as big-spending, tax-increase loving left wingers – out of touch with the mainstream. Not a place the Assembly Democrats want to be. And whatever you may think about the Assembly majority, they rarely make this kind of clunky play.

So, what’s up?

Are they trying to put vulnerable Republican targets up on "bad votes" that they can claim hurts education in the General Election?

Uber Democrat strategist Gary South thinks so.As reportedin the LA Times:

Garry South, a Democratic strategist, said Núñez’s bill conceivably could helpRead More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman tapped by McCain as Co-Chairman

We’re busy at FR central getting today’s news links up, so pardon it we just post this verbatim — just off the transom, Meg Whitman of E-Bay, and who is reportedly flirting with a run for California Governor in 2010, is taking a leadership role with the McCain for President campaign:

U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today announced that Meg Whitman, president and CEO of eBay, will join John McCain’s team, serving as national co-chair. Whitman will play a lead role in the McCain campaign. In addition to helping with finance activity, Whitman will be a prominent surrogate for John McCain, travel the country on his behalf, and help the campaign with policy development. Under Whitman’s leadership since March 1998, eBay has grown from a start-up with 30 employees and $4 million in revenue to a Fortune 500 company with nearly 15,000 employees and almost $8 billion in revenue. The company has enjoyed more than 40 consecutive quartersRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Assemblywoman Audra Strickland – Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases

Today we are pleased to feature this guest commentary from longtime FR friend Audra Strickland. Strickland is a member of the California State Assembly…

Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases By Assemblywoman Audra Strickland

Big in the news in the last couple of weeks is that Democrats and education community leaders are up in arms about the Governor’s plan for across the board cuts that include reduction in K-14 and higher education spending – cuts projected to be $5.5 billion combined. These folks say that the Governor’s solution to address the state’s $16 billion deficit is lopsided because it only includes spending cuts and no tax increases.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Assemblywoman Audra Strickland – Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases

Today we are pleased to feature this guest commentary from longtime FR friend Audra Strickland. Strickland is a member of the California State Assembly…

Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases By Assemblywoman Audra Strickland Big in the news in the last couple of weeks is that Democrats and education community leaders are up in arms about the Governor’s plan for across the board cuts that include reduction in K-14 and higher education spending – cuts projected to be $5.5 billion combined. These folks say that the Governor’s solution to address the state’s $16 billion deficit is lopsided becauseRead More

Meredith Turney

Clock Ticking for Important Initiatives

I just returned from San Diego, where I spent the afternoon assisting with Roger Hedgcock’s special “drive-by” radio show. The radio program focused on two initiatives that are trying to qualify for the November ballot: Protect Marriage and Sarah’s Law. With just a few weeks to go before the petition deadlines, there is a statewide push to gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed.

Protect Marriage is the initiative that will place Proposition 22 in the constitution, thus ensuring that the will of the people is honored in defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Sarah’s Law is the initiative that will require parental notification prior to a minor’s abortion. Both initiatives are key not only for strengthening parental rights and the sanctity of marriage, but from a political standpoint, these are issues that will draw the Republican base to the polls in November. The Save Our Kids campaign to overturn SB 777 was also present (thus my involvement), handing out flyers to alert citizens that initiative petitions will be on the street in early… Read More

San Bernardino County State Legislative Primaries All Set

Here is a bird’s-eye view of upcoming electoral contests in San Bernardino County

Of all the action in San Bernardino County this upcoming election primary season, three open state legislative contests are the focus of intense competition in the Republican party primary, while a trio of Democrats will duke it out for an open Democratic-held Assembly seat.

First, an overview of competitive Republican primaries.

SD 29: This seat, held by departing incumbent GOPer Bob Margett is the site of a two-way contest between Assemblymember Bob Huff (AD 60) and former Assemblymember Dennis Mountjoy (AD 59). Huff, who has garnered the lion’s share of endorsements, has shot to a lopsided advantage in fundraising for this heavily-Republican seat. The often colorful Mountjoy is counting on name recognition (as a lawmaker, his father represented similar legislative territory from 1978-2000) and steadfast support from social conservatives to propel him to victory. Huff, who is more mild-mannered than his opponent, nonetheless is a tenacious campaigner who has been campaigning for some time now. The winner of this race will take the seat in the Fall.… Read More

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