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Tommy Thompson comes to Riverside County

Riverside County Republican has a new Executive Director, Tommy Thompson. When I heard the news I had to ask myself if the former Wisconsin Governor and Health & Human Services Secretary would be able to do a good job in that position. I kind of doubted it, since governing and running a good voter registration program were two different animals. I was relieved to hear that this Tommy Thompson is a much better choice. He is the son of former Assemblyman Bruce Thompson and comes with a great political resume. He worked on all his dads’ campaigns and did a stint in Assemblyman Haynes office. His mom currently works for State Senator Hollingsworth. The bottom line is that he is no stranger to Riverside Republican politics. I think this was a great choice by new Chairman Jeff Miller.

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Barry Jantz

The Plescia Vote

Jon may not want to get into the intrigue, but just some tidbits on tomorrow’s pending Plescia vote for Assembly Republican Leader…

With Walters, Keene and Runner on board, George has lined up 29 votes. Rumor has it that there are three hold-outs, some of whom may come on board today, perhaps as this is penned (er….typed).

I hope the holdouts strongly consider the importance of closing ranks and of having an energetic leader like George Plescia leading the charge. On a personal (if not geographic) note, there are plenty in San Diegowatching closely how the SD delegation votes….name the last time we had a leader from way down here, if you can….… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Comments on CRP Winners & Losers?

In case you want a public forum to comment on my Winners and Losers of the GOP Convention column, this is the place to do it. Click through to the link, then let us know what you think!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly GOPers tap Plescia as new Leader – CRP Convention W&L…

PLESCIA SET TO TAKE REINS FROM MCCARTHY Thanks to a number of conversations with members of the Assembly Republican Caucus yesterday, the FlashReport is pleased to congratulation San Diego Assemblyman George Plescia on becoming the new Assembly Republican Leader! Over a week ago, the FR reported that AR Leader Kevin McCarthy was making ‘what if’ phone calls to members of the caucus, engaging them in ‘theoretical’ discussions about how long he might stay on as leader if he were to run for Congress. These calls, of course, were our first real hint that 14-term incumbent Congressman Bill Thomas of Bakersfield was seriously considering retiring from the House. This set into motion a behind-the-scenes scramble between various GOP legislators to see who would become the leader whenever McCarthy moved on, whether in days or months. By my reckoning,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly GOPers tap Plescia as new Leader – CRP Convention W&L…

PLESCIA SET TO TAKE REINS FROM MCCARTHY Thanks to a number of conversations with members of the Assembly Republican Caucus yesterday, the FlashReport is pleased to congratulation San Diego Assemblyman George Plescia on becoming the new Assembly Republican Leader! Over a week ago, the FR reported that AR Leader Kevin McCarthy was making ‘what if’ phone calls to members of the caucus, engaging them in ‘theoretical’ discussions about how long he might stay on as leader if he were to run for Congress. These calls, of course, were our first real hint that 14-term incumbent Congressman Bill Thomas of Bakersfield was seriously considering retiring from the House. This set into motion a behind-the-scenes scramble between various GOP legislators to see who would become the leader whenever McCarthy moved on, whether in days or months. By my reckoning,… Read More

More on the 69th AD – NEW POLL #s

Democrat Santa Ana City Councilwoman and OC Deputy District Attorney Claudia Alvarez is running for the 69th Assembly District. Her campaign just released the results of a new poll conducted Feb. 22-26 among 402 likely Democratic Primary voters. The survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research shows Alvarez leading opponent (council colleague) Jose Solorio by a margin of 50% to 25%. The other potential rival de la Libertad fails to break the 10% mark according to the poll.

The poll memo says: Alvarez’s support in the district is broad-based. Her support transcends geographic and ethnic lines as she leads among every ethnic group, and she attracts solid support throughout the district. In fact she is even in a statistical tie with Solorio in his own city council district (Santa Ana’s 1st City Council District).


Claudia ALVAREZ 50% Jose … Read More

Mike Spence

CRA Convention Rundown

Jon Fleischman, FR’s publisher, has asked me to do a recap of some of the goings on at the CRA convention. The first thing one notices about the CRA Convention in Bakersfield was how successful it was. We had a great turnout out all three days. The Salute to Don Rogers, the McClintock Lunch and the Tom Tancredo Dinner all required more tables to be put up. The Bakersfield Republican Assembly did a great job. The funniest thing to me was the a news report in the Bakersfield area talking about the convention, then shifted to Kern County/ Bill Thomas political consultant Cathy Abernathy talking about how the CRA was irrelevant. I had to laugh. Every local official from State Senator Ashburn, Assemblyman Bill Maize, The Sheriff, the Mayor, Several City council members, Former Assemblyman Wyman and Harvey all came by. As did…drum roll please..Assembly GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy. Not too bad … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lockyer “punts” Reiner case…

This just in courtesy of FR friend Chris Reed who is on the editorial team down at the San Diego Union-Tribune — Reed spoke today with the esteemed Nathan Barankin (another friend), Attorney General Bill Lockyer’s spokesman, who confirmed that the Attorney General has punted the investigation into Rob Reiner (you know, where he used his official state commission post to launch a multi-million dollar spending spree on pro-preschool ads at the same time that he was collecting signatures for a universal preschool ballot measure).

Where did he punt it to? That’s the GOOD NEWS. He has referred the case over to his colleague,… Read More