Early CA primary + LA Times deal = advantage for Clinton?
In a Presidental race, contributions are limited to just $2,100 per person,and no corporate or union funds are allowed. While large donors can still provide funds for "party-building" or "issues advocacy" or "independent expenditures," the use of such funds can be tricky legally, and is qualified in one way or another. The only direct and unequivical support one can give to a candidate for President of the United States remains the $2,100 contribution of personal funds.
Unless you own a newspaper.
The Federal Election Commission has a long-standing rule that exempts newspapers from the prohibitionagainst corporate expenditures in support of a candidate in a Federal election. It is found at Title 11, Section 100.132 of the Code of Federal Regulations, News story, commentary, or editorial by the media, and reads in pertinent part as follows:
"Any cost incurred in covering or carrying a news story, commentary or editorial by any broadcasting station…..newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, is not an expenditureunless the facility is owned or… Read More