Kavanaugh Hearings: Hysterical Barking Shrews Must Be Prosecuted
The hysterics the past few weeks has indeed not weathered well on America’s so-called feminists who demonstrated once again that they allow feelings to rule over rational thought and logic, in their devotion of Alynski “means-to-an-end” tactics.
In their attempt to run SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh out of Dodgeby protesting his confirmation hearings, their antics have shown just how ridiculous, nonsensical and preposterous they are.
Ironically, they are using “female hysteria” to get away with their anarchy… but it’s just not fooling anyone. During the Victorian era, “female hysteria” was a common medical diagnosis in women. “Galen, a prominent physician from the second century, wrote that hysteria was a disease caused by deprivation in particularly passionate women: hysteria was quite often in virgins, nuns, widows and, rarely, in married women,” Victorianera.org… Read More