Colorado’s GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Scott McInnis Comes To California
Yesterday the front-runner to be the next Governor of Colorado (a GOP pickup!), former Congressman and former State Senate Majority Leader Scott McInniss, made a fundraising swing through the Golden State. One of his appearances brought him to my office (which I share with fellow GOPers Scott Baugh, John Clarey and Jim Righeimber) where he spoke to members of the Orange County Republican Party’s prestigious 400 Club — his remarks lasted about fifteen minutes or so. The best part came at the end, when he informed us that in his state, the Governor with the stroke of a pen can de-unionize Colorado’s state employees — and that upon his election, he intends to do just that! Wish it were that simple here!
Enjoy the remarks of Scott McInnis, and if you are inclined, help him out!