Let voters decide on Rahm Emanuel
Rahm Emanuel’s troubles in trying to get on the ballot to run for Mayor of Chicago may not seem like a California issue, but it is a political law issue nonetheless, and one that lawyers and politicians in California scrap over every election cycle, and will surely be fighting over next year: residency requirements to qualify to run for office.
I won a full-blown trial early last year representing now State Senator Bill Emmerson in a case filed by supporters of opponent Russ Bogh, who wanted to kick Dr. Emmerson off the ballot in a special election for that State Senate seat, on grounds that he "didn’t live" in the district. Such claims were highly technical. Emmerson had spent practically all his life in and around the Inland Empire district he wanted to run in. He simply happened to represent an adjoining Assembly District at the same time. When the Judge worked through the evidence, he agreed with Emmerson, not Bogh’s supporters, and Dr. Emmerson went before the voters and was elected to fill the seat. Thus, the PEOPLE decided, not the… Read More