VOTER ALERT: You can’t Trust the California Republican Party’s Mail
First the California Republican Party hires Marty Wilson to do the State Party’s mail. Wilson denies Yes on Prop. 90 a space on the mail unless they pay big money, while at the same time is on the payroll of the No on 90 people (See here).
Now there is another outrage from the California Republican Party. At the last CRP convention, the CRP Initiatives Committee (I serve as the committee’s chairman) refused to endorse Proposition 1D. We, instead, took a neutral position. Prop. 1D is this November’s scheme to fork over billions more in bonds for schools. The entire California Republican Party State Central Committee then confirmed the Initiative Committee’s recommendation.
So what does the CRP do?
They send a mailer to Republican Permanent Absentee Votersendorsing Prop. 1D! That’s right. It doesn’t matter how the party’s delegates voted, the CRP consultants, along with the apparent acceptance of most of the CRP’s Board Members… Read More