America’s Mindless Discussion On Oil Prices
It doesn’t seem to matter what the issue is, Americans seem to have truly lost their minds – incapable of looking at history as a road map for the future, or a predictor of outcomes. The current oil price crisis is a great example. With literally hundreds of years of oil under our own land, we continue to finance communists, Islamic terrorists, and countries hostile to the concept of freedom and democracy by deliberately remaining dependent on oil from these rogue regimes.
Why won’t we get our own oil, which we know is readily available? Because we are stupid. Democrats in Congress, with the aid of northeast "Republicans", have continually blocked national energy policy in the US Senate that would have the effect of increasing domestic supplies.
The President of the United States needs to declare a national emergency and sign an Executive Order opening up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge NOW so we can get our own supply of oil in the near future. Without even the threat of this happening, foreign oil producers will continue to gouge American consumers and destroy the domestic… Read More