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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assemblyman Roger Niello: Democrat Budget Increases Taxes and Spending!

Today we are pleased to offer this exclusive Guest Commentary from Republican Assemblyman Roger Niello. Assemblyman Niello is the Vice Chairman of the Assembly’s Budget Committee, and is the lead Republican in the Assembly on Budget issues…

Democrat Budget Increases Taxes and Spending! By Assemblyman Roger Niello

Democrats showed their true colors this week by passing a budget out of the conference committee that contains nearly $10 billion in tax increases and increases state spending by billions of dollars over last year.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

James V. Lacy

FDR, JFK, LBJ, and B.O.

At least one California liberalseems pretty sensitive to my use of Barrack Hussein Obama’s full given name in my posts. Dan Chmielewski, the guru of The Liberal OC Blog, recently said, "someone needs to tell Jim Lacy that “Hussein” means “handsome one” or “beautful one”; I’m only suprised that he didn’t call Senator Obama “Barrack Hussein Osama.”

Excuse me, but a birth certificate is a legal document, this is still a free country governed by a Constitution that ensures my right to Free Speech, I am a lawyer, and if the guy’s name is Barrack Hussein Obama, then I can say it, without incident, no matter what implication the liberals fear is drawn from it, "handsome" or otherwise.

But I do think it is a little fun to speculate about how the press corps will be handling Obama’s name should he be elected President. For example, there is afairly long history of the pressusing initials to refer to a president, the first, middle, and last initial, in communications, especially headlines. For example, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was "FDR," John F. Kennedy was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Federal Indictment Imminent for Perata?

There is no publication that has devoted more time to the shady deals of lame duck Senate President Pro-Tem Don "The Golden Pig" Perata than the East Bay Express. It’s been a well publicized fact that Perata and his shady deals have been the subject of a major investigation by the Feds.

The Express is running front-web-page story saying that an indictment may be just around the corner for Mr. Perata and his cohorts. Read it here.

(H/T to Steve Frank)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tighten The Belt

Obesity is a major problem in America. Here in California, it is an especially big problem in state government. Government spending keeps going up and up, and government income keeps going up and up. Right now we find ourselves in a state government money crunch because while the state’s income continues to climb, the voratious appetite of legislative Democrats to spend (aided by Governors of both parties) seems to have no limits.

Well, it is time for state government to go on a diet. It is time to get on the treadmill and shed billions of dollars in unsustainable spending. Government will have to do less, to provide less.

From an ideological perspective, this kind of reasoning is foreign to the liberals in the majority, who today called for shameful growth in state taxes to the tune of over $9 billion. From a pragmatic side, eventually spending is going to have to be prioritized. There is no magic wand for our overspending problem, we’re simply going to have to make cuts.

Raising taxes to match overspending is not only immoral, it is also impractical as we need our economy to thrive – and nothing will help promote a… Read More

James V. Lacy

9th Circuit broadens petition circulation rights

TheFederal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that an Arizona law thatbans out-of-state residents as petition circulators is unconstitutional. The logic of the decision, according to "Ballot Access News," would apply to circulation of any types of petitions. The court also ruled unconstitutional in the same case (brought by Ralph Nader) a separate Arizona law establishing a deadline for independent presidential candidate’s filings to be on the state ballot. But the big constitutional victory was on petition circulation.

Readers will know I have posted in the past and criticized restrictions government places on who may circulate a petition. The Federal constitutional right to petition government does not evaporate just because someone crosses a state-line, and whether or not a petition circulator gets paid does not sully or diminish that important right.

A tactic of liberals in California to dillute the people’s power of initiative guaranteed by the State Constitution, and thereby build up the power of our gerrymandered permanent Democratic-dominated state legislature, is to impose every… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Protect Marriage Prop. 8 Taps Kerns

FR friend Jennifer Kerns has been tapped as Communications Director for the high profile Protect Marriage Act campaign. Here is an excerpt from their release… Congrats Jennifer…

California Marriage Protection Act Hires Top Communications Director

“The proponents of Yes on Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act, and announced today the hiring of public relations professional Jennifer Kerns as Communications Director for the statewide ballot initiative.

Kerns, the owner of K Street Communications, recently served as Senior Press Secretary for California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. She also served as Communications Director for his election campaign, helping Poizner successfully win the endorsements of all 37 major newspapers in California in his landslide election over sitting Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante.

She previously served as an Assistant Secretary of State and Spokeswoman in the office of Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, where she represented the State on Elections issues, crisis communications, voting system integrity, Special Elections, the 2005… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Services Paid For By Those Receiving Them – Kehoe’s Good Idea

Liberal Democrat State Senator Christine Kehoe is right — well, at least about one thing. In today’s Wall Street Journal, there is a sizable article on A3 entitled, “California Ponders Who Should Pay Firefighting Bill.”

The piece talks about the rising costs to the state to battle fires (a 41 percent increase over a year ago).

Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed a statewide property tax on ALL residential and business properties to raise $130 million annually. The key word in the preceding sentence is ALL.

In the article Kehoe says that people that choose to live in fire-prone areas should be paying the freight. I agree.

And so does the Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill, who is quoted in the piece saying, “Because the state provides a service – fire protection – that directly benefits a particular group…it is appropriate that those beneficiaries pay for a portion of the state’s costs for fire protection. “

Put in another way, someone who chooses to live where fire risk is low should not be paying to subsidize the riskier decision of another to live in a high fire… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Enthusiastically Unify Behind $9+ BILLION In New Taxes (Of Course)

This morning there we be a press conference held by legislative Democrats, where they announce a "compromise" plan between Senate and Assembly Democrats in terms of how big of a tax increase they want to enact. FR readers will recall that Perata and his left-wing Senate colleagues were calling for around 12 billion dollars in "new revenue" (taxes) while over in the Assembly, Karen Bass and her fellow Democrats in the lower hours were looking at shy of 7 billion dollars in higher taxes. You will be "pleased" to know that after much wrangling, horse trading, and "hating" on those who create economic opportunity in California, Democrats have come to an agreement: They want taxes in California to be hiked by a staggering $9 billion + dollars. Courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune, (most of) their proposed tax hikes are broken out thusly: PROPOSED NEW TAXES

$5.6 billion: Impose a 10 percent rate for taxpayers with joint … Read More