Assembly Committee Action
Since the budget talks are pretty slow, with most of the talks going on in the Joint Budget Conference Committee, plus a little bit of Big4talks, and the rest of us are out of town until the 15th, I just thought I’d pass along a glimpse of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Action from Wednesday.
SB 1301-Financial Aid-to grant more financial aid to students who are offspring of illegal immigrants, was heard in committee-Passed
SB 1322-Communism in Schools-[which could seem redundant] Would relieve schools of requiring a form that essentially says that communism would not be taught or glorified…you know, since the Wall came down it’s no longera worry.[Didn’t seea provision thanking Ronald Reagan.]-Passed
SB 1422-High Cost Rail Authority-turns over a lot of the decision process to the Authority from CalTrans for the High Cost Rail whose bonds haven’t even been approved by voters in November yet.-Passed
SB 441-Vending Machines on State Property-would be required to contain 35% "nutritional products", juices, snacks etc. Regardless of price or market demand or perishability, if a product… Read More