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Jon Fleischman

Governor and GOP Legislators Put “The Squeeze” on Legislature’s Liberals

Governor Schwarzenegger has announced that until a budget has passed, he will veto all legislation placed on his desk. Brilliant! This is a great squeeze play on the left!

With legislative Republicans unified against any tax increases (whether called “temporary” or not) and the Governor stopping liberal legislation with his veto pen, maybe Democrats will start to seriously look at how to cut spending by just some of the massive growth they have presided over during the last decade.

When times are tough, government spending can and must shrink, just like belt tightening that takes place in the private sector.

Legislative Republicans have put a lot of proposals out there for shrinking government (which have been scorned, rather than embraced by Democrats). And the recommendations of the California Performance Review presented by Governor Schwarzenegger (1.0) present even more options for savings of billions of dollars.

Until legislative Democrats are willing to give the proverbial middle finger to the public employee union bosses, I look forward to seeing a lot of ink refills being ordered up for the Governor’s veto… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Jerry Rigged

The FlashReport gets a “shout out” in today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail, read by many thousands of politicos around the country. The subject of this entry, from FR friend John Fund, is Attorney General Jerry Brown and the Protect Marriage Act…

JERRY RIGGED California Attorney General Jerry Brown is stepping outside his law enforcement role and playing politics with a November ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Backers of the measure collected some one million signatures this spring under a title approved by Mr. Brown’s office that made it clear the measure would “provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid.” Since the signatures were collected, the state Supreme Court has ruled same-sex marriage constitutional but also allowed the ballot measure to go before voters. Mr. Brown, a candidate for governor in 2010, has apparently decided to make a play for liberal Democratic primary voters by changing his own office’s description of the measure. It now reads that the ballot initiative seeks “to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why would we force legislators to vote for a bad budget?

On Wednesday, Governor Schwarzenegger said that he thinks legislators should not be paid when the budget is late. Actually, many people have expressed that sentiment. This session, Republican Senator Jeff Denham carried legislation to do just that (it was soundly defeated in committee).

I actually disagree with the Governor, Senator Denham, and others who advocate this policy. The reason is that it seems to support the notion that any budget, whether good or bad, is better than no budget.

From the perspective of protecting taxpayers, like in this budget year, I don’t want conservative legislators who may not be able to afford skipping paychecks to be forced to choose between paying their mortgage, or voting for a bad budget with a tax increase.

If a proposed budget is bad enough, better to have no budget, I say. Fortunately, our legislators are being paid, so they can keep voting against tax increases until Christmas, if need be.… Read More

Tab Berg

Killing the Dream

Much has been written about the Governor’s radical shift in abandoning his dual pledges to “blow up the boxes” and “tear up the credit cards.”

We believed Arnold Schwarzenegger then: electing him twice and passing Propositions 57 & 58 – giving him $15 billion to fix the budget and supposedly put a lid on state over-spending.

And, when running for his first re-election, Schwarzenegger called for support from voters, saying "Help Governor Schwarzenegger protect the California dream – with no new taxes!"

But the “dream” is quickly turning into a fiscal nightmare.

People are struggling with the multiple crises of dramatically increased energy and food costs, the housing slump, and the real risk of recession. Meanwhile, the Governor is now proposing raising the sales tax and Legislative Democrats are pushing to eliminate the childRead More

Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: Killing the CA Dream

Much has been written about the Governor’s radical shift in abandoning his dual pledges to “blow up the boxes” and “tear up the credit cards.”

We believed Arnold Schwarzenegger then: electing him twice and passing Propositions 57 & 58 – giving him $15 billion to fix the budget and supposedly put a lid on state over-spending.

And, when running for his first re-election, Schwarzenegger called for support from voters, saying "Help Governor Schwarzenegger protect the California dream – with no new taxes!"

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Dan Schnur

Republicans can and must barter for votes to raise taxes

This year’s state budget is going to increase taxes. I say that neither as a good or a bad thing, merely as a statement of fact. But the only questions to be answered at this point are which taxes will be raised, by how much, and what Republican legislators will get in return for putting up the necessary votes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course, wants to raise the sales tax, at least for awhile. But GOP legislative leaders have previously indicated a willingness to close tax “loopholes”. All have sworn they will only agree to these concession s in exchange for a cap on state spending and other structural budget reforms that will make it easier for the state to avoid the boom-and-bust cycles that have characterized the last two decades of California’s economic andRead More

Dan Schnur

Today’s Commentary: Republicans can and must barter for votes to raise taxes

This year’s state budget is going to increase taxes. I say that neither as a good or a bad thing, merely as a statement of fact. But the only questions to be answered at this point are which taxes will be raised, by how much, and what Republican legislators will get in return for putting up the necessary votes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course, wants to raise the sales tax, at least for awhile. But GOP legislative leaders have previously indicated a willingness to close tax “loopholes”. All have sworn they will only agree to these concession s in exchange for a cap on state spending and other structural budget reforms that will make it easier for the state to avoid the boom-and-bust cycles that have characterized the last two decades of California’s economic andRead More

Meredith Turney

Governor, Honor Solzhenitsyn’s Memory by Vetoing SB 1322

Last weekend one of the world’s most persuasive spokesmen for freedom passed away. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, communist dissident and prolific writer, gave voice to the silent anguish of his countrymen and millions of others suffering under communist regimes. For his bravery in exposing to international scrutiny an extremely dark and evil government, Solzhenitsyn should be honored.

Solzhenitsyn’s criticism of communism was not some intellectual’s theoretical analysis of a government system; his eight years in a Soviet Gulag gave him the experience and authority to graphically detail the horror and misery of a "utopian government".

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the very week Solzhenitsyn passed away, and three Americans were arrested in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square for protesting Communist China’s brutal human rights abuses, the California legislature passed SB 1322.

This unbelievably foolish measure would strike from current state law a public school’s ability to fire a Communist teacher. It would also allow Communists to use public school property for meetings. I can… Read More

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