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Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

WSJ: Sleeping on the job

Today, the Wall Street did a story on recent all night sessions of the legislature. While not a new occurrence, there has been an increased frequency of sleep deprived legislators being asked to vote on legislation that few have had a chance to review. It isn’t a good trend. Legislators, their staff, the public, and the press have a right to be involved in the legislative process. Next year, I’ll be introducing legislation to require all bills to be in print and online for 72 hours before they can be voted on. It will include a prevision for a natural disaster or unforeseeable situation that would require quicker action. But in my 11 months in the legislature, I can’t remember a single vote that could not have waited a few hours for the proper sunshine.

Check out this link to read the entireRead More

Jon Fleischman

Duvall: Out Of The Frying Pan… Also Whitman’s Boxer Support…

I’ve been away from a computer since early this morning. Seems appropriate to note that ex-Assemblyman Mike Duvall has jumped out of the frying pan, and it remains to be seen if he falls into the fire.

As Barry Jantz noted below, ace political reporter Carla Marinucci, anxious to let all Republicans who missed her at convention that she is back in town, blogged about GOP candidate Meg Whitman’s having supported Barbara Boxer early on in her 2004 re-election. For my part, reading about Whitman’s check to Boxer was not news — that had been out for a while. But it was the fact that she was visibly out there, with her name on media release put out by the incumbent whacky-left Senator that startled me (see it below).

In reading the Marinucci story, Whitman’s spokesperson says, get this, that her support of Boxer was anti-tax. Nice.

A lot of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Whitman On Her Lack Of Voting

Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and her team have been having to endure what is now over a week of intense scrutiny after an investigative piece published in the Sacramento Bee last week concluded that until just a few years ago there is no sign that Whitman had voted in any elections.

Normally when a candidate is faced with a "bad" story, the tactic of the campaign is to try and "starve it" and wait it out — change the subject. Sometimes, though, stories become big enough that you have to deal with them with a press statement, or at a press conference.

This story apparently has enough legs that Whitman has decided to actually create a professional video message to supporters and potential supporters, confronting it head on…

Check it out below…

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Barry Jantz

Marinucci: Whitman Endorsed, Donated $4k to Boxer in ’03

In the continuing saga of what some might describe as "Which Republican candidate’s history can top the others in the surprising category," Carla Marinucci at the SF Chronicle has the news that Meg Whitman both endorsed and contributed big bucks to Senator Barbara Boxer in 2003.

Absent from the Whitman spokesperson response in the article is any acknowledgement from the candidate she now considers the Boxer support a mistake. So, does she stand by it?

I wonder what Bill Jones must think?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

**New Poll In CD 10 Shows Competitive Race**

California’s 10th Congressional District is "Ground Zero" right now — with voters in that East Bay District preparing to choose between either Democrat John Garamendi or Republican David Harmer to replace Rep. Ellen Tauscher who vacated the seat to take a position in the Obama Administration.

The question is whether this seat, carved out to be held by a Democrat, is vulnerable to a GOP pickup or not. The Harmer for Congress campaign has just released some new polling data that suggests that this race is going to be a lot more competitive than Lt. Governor Garamendi or the DCCC want it to be.

Let’s preface the new polling data with a look at the generic Republican vs. Democrat numbers from a survey taken August 2/3 (350 person sample). When voters were asked would they vote for a Republican or a Democrat, 29% said Republican, and 52% said Democrat.

Fast forward now to just a few days ago, and a survey conducted by the… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California’s Dubious Distinction: Third Worst Business Climate In the Nation

What do South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Nevada, Florida, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware, Washington and Utah all have that California doesn’t? According to the Tax Foundation, these statesproudlypossessa national Top 10 business climate rating.

California, on the other hand, continues to rank at the bottom thanks to Sacramento’s job-killing machine known asState Government. Thanks to a bureaucracy that sends businesses packing to neighboring states, and a regulatory environment that makes it difficult to flourish in California, the Tax Foundation ranked California 48th amongst all states. While the nationwide economic crisis has contributed to tough times in our once Golden State, we must come to terms with the overregulation that needlessly drives our state further and further into disrepair. Unfortunately, due to policies that place special interest groups ahead of hardworking Californians, the liberal majority in Sacramento have constructed a business climate in which it has become near impossible to exercise one’s entrepreneurial spirit and successfully operate… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Failed US Olympic Bid Lets Taxpayers Off The Hook

You have to wonder about the political dynamic of President and Mrs. Obama traveling to Europe to personally pitch and lobby for the Unites States to host the 2016 Olympic games in the President's home city of Chicago.

The news that the US was not chosen to host the 2016 games was bad enough (politically), but to be eliminated early in the process…

So… Either the President knew Chi-town was out, but felt he needed to show the colors (lest not being chasen be layed at his feet) or he didn't know and that is sad.

Either way, it is good news for taxpayers in Chicago, Illinois and perhaps the country. You see, at some point, the International Olympic Organizing Committee put an outrageous requirement into place that the host country's GOVERNMENT has to indemnify the IOOC against an Olympic Games that loses money. That's right — if an Olympic Games hosted by the U.S. loses money, taxpayers are on the hook! The people of Greece are still reeling with the debt absorbed by their government because the Olympics in Athens in 2002 lost money.

On a side note, as someone who likes to attend Olympic Games… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bass Sends Political Water Novice Caballero To Washington, D.C.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass has sent water policy novice Assemblywoman Anna Caballero to Washington D.C. to as one of the Democrat's “chief negotiator” for California's water crisis.

Why does the Assembly Speaker Karen Bass believe Asm. Caballero is one of the top negotiators on water for the Golden State, when Asm. Cabellero has only introduced two water related bills and the one that seeks to improve the Central Valley water crisis, Asm. Caballero lifted 90% of the language from Senator Cogdill's bond bill?

This doesn't make Asm. Caballero and expert in water. It makes her an expert in photocopying and taking other people's ideas.

With Asm. Caballero in Washington D.C., what immediate actions will our damaged region receive? Will the pumps be turned on, or will there be another study, more delay and empty promises, and more lost jobs? The people in the Central Valley were hopeful when the Assembly Leader Alberto Torrico stated the that Latino Caucus in supporting a proposal that puts the people over politics and improves the Central Valley, not special environmental interests. … Read More

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