Soon after my first election to the Assembly in 1992, I was frustrated and lost. I felt like my activity in the Legislature was an exercise in futility. I had great ideas for change (or at least I thought they were great ideas), but I soon discovered that the Legislative Committees were structured for the specific purpose of killing popular ideas that did not serve the interests of the Democrat majority in the Legislature. Bills to put bad guys in jail? Poof, dead in a lopsided Democrat majority in the ironically named “Public Safety Committee.” Bills to make it easier to create jobs in California? Butchered in the misnamed “Labor and Employment” committee (it should have been named the Union and Unemployment Committee, since the committee was completely controlled by the union hacks that still dominate the California Legislature, who don’t care if you have a job, they only care enough to force the jobs on Californians that pay those hacks union dues). And so on…pick a committee, it was dominated by legislators whose only job was to protect the selfish interests of the Democrat constituency groups. What’s an idealistic young… Read More