On Monday, I had the pleasure to sit down with my local paper, the Antelope Valley Press, to discuss California’s state budget (which, as everyone knows is stalled in negotiations because the Democrat leaders are at odds with one another).
My discussion with the AVP Ed Board resulted in this story where my message is simple: This is the time for us to seriously reset spending levels.
We also discussed the wonderfully conservative governance by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has unflinchingly taken on the school and state unions, and in so doing brought fiscal sanity to a once broken state. California leaders have much to learn from Christie.

July 14th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Dream on….this nightmare will drag on till the RINOS cave in AGAIN!!!!
Maldo got promoted for his Benedict Arnold moment..Villnes is still kicking too….don’t kid yourself Flash Report Junkies…the RINO slime will sell you taxes and spending as usual….