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Jason Cabel Roe

NRA Stunner in 63rd AD

The National Rifle Association, one of the most reliable and effective advocacy groups in the country, stunned Second Amendment supporters by weighing in on behalf of Don Kurth over conservative pro-Second Amendment businessman Mike Morrell. Kurth’s sordid history includes efforts to gather and destroy guns in order to erect peace memorials (“Annual Gun Destruction Day”). The memorials, a passion-project of New York-based anti-arms activist Lin Evola-Smidt, stated goal is “To melt down weapons and create peace in the United States will inspire the entire world to do what is possible.”

Admirable though Ms. Evola-Smidt’s efforts may be, they are not typically an effort embraced by the Second Amendment community nor the NRA. In fact, as an NRA member, I distinctly remember the NRA aggressively attacking Dan Lungren in his 1998 run for governor for gathering and destroying guns. Why the change in policy?

What further confuses is that the NRA does not typically get involved in races in which there are good pro-gun options of which Mike Morrell is an outstanding and proud Second Amendment supporter. In fact, Gun Owners of California have given Morrell an “A” rating and without confirmation, I expect NRA will bestow an “A” as well.

In full disclosure, Mike Morrell is a Revolvis client but I write today as a 17-year NRA member perplexed that as we argue that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, we now turn a blind eye to people like Don Kurth arguing the exact opposite – and be rewarded for it.

Be sure, those that care about the Second Amendment will never have to wonder about Mike Morrell and his commitment to the Constitution.

Note: the attached photos include guns collected as part of Kurth’s efforts; participants at the Annual Gun Destruction Day (Kurth on right; ;and Ms. Evola-Smidt pictured with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the most vocal and belligerent anti-gun politicians in America today. You can see more on by visiting the “Art of Peace” website.

7 Responses to “NRA Stunner in 63rd AD”

  1. Says:

    Don Kurth has been a staunch supporter who has worked actively to promote gun rights and support the NRA’s Eddie Eagle youth gun safety program in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. That’s why the NRA endorsed him. Morrell talks about guns–both what has he ever DONE to support gun rights? NOTHING. Action trumps rhetoric. Great job NRA!

  2. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Don’t be shocked by weird and out of place endorsements. Good Grief, Look at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association. They keep endorsing one tax hiker after the next.

    If there were only two candidates in the race and HJTA endorsed one, then the safest place to put your vote is with the other candidate.

    N.R.A. has an “incumbent friendly” policy. The Voters now have a “Dump The Incubent ” policy. So I can se more upcoming conflicts ahead.

    That said, I like the N.R.A., but the way it moves around in politics is goofy, cheesy and predictably stupid.

  3. Says:


    I sounds like Ken Hunter didn’t earn the NRA’s endorsement! I wonder why he is unhappy with the NRA???

    Yep. Check for yourself at

    There is no endorsement for Ken Hunter. What a surprise. NOT!

    Now, for Mr. Roe……. Yes, it seems you are feathering your own nest, monetarily speaking. But you’re not biased, are you? Yeah. Right.

    I wonder what Mike Morrell wrote on his NRA questionnaire that would make the NRA support his opponent? Maybe Mr. Morrell will post his questionnaire on his web site so that we can all see it for ourselves. Make sure to include the date that you sent it to the NRA for review.

    As for the supposed gun owners of California, give me a break. They are supporting gun banners like San Diego County’s Jay Lasuer. They have lost their credibility with myself and other serious gun owners.

  4. Says:

    Stop the Music, “Sam”….. Jay La Suer is a friend of the 2nd Amendment
    here in San Diego County and always has been…including his 3 terms in the State Assembly, 77th District.

    And if you’re going to pose as an expert, at least learn to spell his name. LOL

    Jason Roe is a principled conservative. Mike Morrell is fortunate to have him on his team.

  5. Says:

    I don’t claim to be any kind of expert, but my parents live in San Diego and they are long time NRA supporters.

    The state of California’s web site says that Jay La Suer’s anti gun bill [ab2218] would ban guns and magazines of more than ten bullets as assualt weapons.

    You should call the NRA and ask them about him.

    Maybe Mr. Morrell is fortunate to have Jason Roe on his team, but to someone on the outside like me, he seems to be acting as a self-serving politician.

  6. Says:

    I just read AB 2218 (Jay La Suer, 2004) and anyone else can read it too at this link:

    You have misrepresented the bill’s purpose. It was written to EXEMPT firearms holding
    less than 10 rounds from being defined as “assault weapons” under already-existing law.
    The purpose was to REDUCE anti-firearm regulation, not to increase it.

    That’s why the liberal-controlled Assembly Public Safety Committee bottled up the bill
    and killed it.

  7. Says:

    NRA endorses and gives money to Joe “open borders” Baca in the 43rd CD. I argued with the NRA rep in 04 when I ran against Baca.
    They said he has always been a friend of the NRA. I said he will vote for Pelosi as Speaker and she is no friend of gun rights. In 06 he voted for Pelosi for Speaker and gun rights have been threatened even more since. You cannot accept an NRA endorsement at face value. Sometimes there are other motives involved.