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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Campaign: CA Dem Party is spending $800k for four day anti-Whitman TV buy…

Whitman Campaign Senior Advisor Rob Stutzman (pictured) just held a "starring role" in a telephone conference call with "media" (co-starring Whitman Comms Director Tucker Bounds where they talked about a new media buy by the California Democrat Party — which has purchased $800,000 of television time over the next four days.

While as of this moment the CDP has not yet released these ads online, and they have not yet appeared on television, the Whitman campaign has seen the piece (via the stations who have received it) and Stutzman characterized the ad as a, "Goldmach Sachs hit."

Stutzman went on to say that, "This is proof positive that the unions are intent on influencing the Republican Primary.  Proof that they fear Meg Whitman as the only real conservative in the race."

Stutzman said that while the ads are being technically purchased by the CDP, it is his strongly-held belief that the unions, who are the only folks with big bucks who have talked about doing independent expenditures in this race, are using the CDP as a vehicle.

Stutzman said that the unions fear that Meg Whitman will make the cuts to the state work force and will be aggressive on the pension issue.  He went on to say that, "Clearly Steve Poizner is the preferred candidates that the Democrats want to face this November.

Needless to say, when the ad is available, we’ll get it up for you all to see.

One Response to “Whitman Campaign: CA Dem Party is spending $800k for four day anti-Whitman TV buy…”

  1. Says:

    Someone told me if you want to be a player in an auction….only money talks!!!

    Stop whining! This will be the most costly election in history…egos have gone mad!