In case you hadn’t heard, we are getting closer to officially recognizing Ronald Reagan Day here in California. On April 8, by a vote of 34-0, the Senate approved SB 944, the Ronald Reagan Day bill proposed by Senator George Runner and me. SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) is the first – and so far only – Ronald Reagan Day bill in the nation to be passed by any legislative house. All other legislative efforts to recognize Ronald Reagan Day have been single-year resolutions or have not been approved by a legislative house. No one will get a day off under SB 944 (Runner and Strickland); instead, schools will be encouraged to teach about Ronald Reagan and his contributions. SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) was introduced in the Senate on February 3 and was approved by a 7-0 vote in the Senate Education Committee on March 24 before its unanimous passage in the Senate on April 8. We are expecting that SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee in June. You can read the text of the bill at

May 4th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Well done, Senator Strickland !
For readers around the State, Tony Strickland’s district includes
the Ronald Reagan freeway, so who better to co-sponsor this bill?
May 8th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Only bad thing is you will have San Fransisco and other left wing counties/school districts trying to invalidate Reagan Day just as much as right wing counties/school districts working to invalidate Milk Day.
Both days should exist. Both groups should learn about both individuals. Maybe we could learn about equality and american exceptionalism at the same time.