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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: U.S. Rep. John Campbell Blasts Tom Campbell For Support Of Egregious Pork Spending

My apologies in advance, but this is a “Tale of Two Campbells” – so look for me to use first and last names when referencing the two principles in this story.
  It’s like opening a can of Campbell’s soup — one with a lot of pork inside…

When I was reading the exclusive column featured on this website, penned by former Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Tom Campbell, in which he pledges to carry no earmarks were he elected to the Senate, and in which he challenged one of his primary opponents, Carly Fiorina, to join him in making this pledge – something came to my mind: a conversation that I had with Congressman John Campbell (who is also a regular contributor to the FlashReport Blog) a few years ago. 

Most readers probably know that John Campbell has been amongst the few patriots (along with Reps. Jeb Hensarling and Jeff Flake) who were opposing egregious earmarks when it wasn’t “in style” (now the entire House Republican Conference has signed on with an earmark prohibition policy).  In my recollection of my chat back then with John Campbell, he was very unhappy with former Congressman Tom Campbell because of his successful efforts to kill an amendment he had proposed which would have cut seven egregious earmarks.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: U.S. Rep. John Campbell Blasts Tom Campbell For Support Of Egregious Pork Spending”

  1. Says:

    The Campbell feud should get note of ancient history on how to treat squishee liberals….

    Our fraternity had continuing problems collecting social fees and rent from “brothers”.

    Problem Solved: Installed pony bottles of beer in the Coca Cola machine forcing dead beat “brothers” to buy on a cash basis….for their dates….those insulting little pony bottles of Blatz or Pabst Blue Ribbon while the rest of us enjoyed cold, frosty Falstaff pilsner on tap!

    Now for the rent: A new saying was coined by the prompt payers: A DIME AND BROTHERHOOD BOUGHT YOU A CUP OF COFFEE.

    The social fees and rents rolled in real quick!!!!