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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

California – Bigger Credit Risk Than Greece?

The JP Morgan Chief warns in the UK Telegraph that California’s credit situation could be riskier that the disaster we are seeing in Greece.  This of course is under the "leadership" of our great GOP Governor and the six consecutive horrendous budgets crafted by his crack finance team and agreed to by the Democrat leadership and stunningly compliant -and duped Republican leaders.

As the GOP heads into the  State convention in a couple of weeks, I wonder how much the Party will have to say about the miserable performance of the Governor and Legislative leaders past.  

Does anyone even remember the sales tax increase last Spring?  The celebration of a budget that was a farce and a disaster from day 1 last year?  

Voter registration numbers and fund raising are a key indicator of how State residents think about both political parties.  We seem to be all too ready to celebrate failures of Obama / Pelosi and Reid  without thinking of how those failures will actually translate into victory for conservative candidates running under the GOP banner.

The reality is that the problems facing California may not be fixable.  The hole might be too deep, and the fight too tough for the men and women in the GOP caucus.

We might start by being critical of what our own party has produced in California.  Maybe then we can regain some measure of credibility with voters, who are clearly underwhelmed by the performance of our Governor and State Legislature.

3 Responses to “California – Bigger Credit Risk Than Greece?”

  1. Says:

    If it ends up where the California Democratic Party still holds control in 2010 and beyond, the Republican Party may need to sponsor a study asking why voters still support the Democratic Party even though they are creating a fiscal meltdown.

    We need to find out why people are not voting Republican and go from there. Maybe its not economics that is driving
    people from the party. Maybe its the wedge issues the Republican Party used to obtain support in the past backfiring on the party today.

  2. Says:

    here here Mr. Der Manouel!

  3. Says:

    I’m really impressed with Dr. John C. Eastman. He’s running for Attorney General of Cal.(R). I had a constitutional question and he answer me immediately via E-mail. Blew my mind. He’s my modern day Jefferson…he gets it. California, you got a star, look up.