The Contra Costa Times recently hailed Democrats, the Legislature’s majority party, as allies in making sure “job killer” bills did not get through the legislative chambers they control. However, the paper failed to mention that of all the 2009 “job killer” bills were introduced by Democrats.
As noted in the story, the “job killer” campaign identifies regulatory, labor, and tax legislation that would have a negative impact on the economy–a majority of these bills have either died in committee, on the floor, or had provisions removed to satisfy the concerns of business owners.
Of the 33 identified “job killer” bills, not a single bill was introduced by a Republican. What’s more, Democrats have only begun to defeat the worst of these Democrat “job-killer” bills as a response to an almost guaranteed veto from one of the state’s last three Republican governors.
Only in California can the villains become media heroes for voting against something they introduced. The real heroes are the small business owners and the Republican legislators who work with them to accurately identify the economic distress these misdirected bills will have on all Californians.
Click here to read more about the Democrats’ 2009 Job Killer Bills.