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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Introducing Jim Bognet, Campaign Manager, Poizner for Governor Campaign

Publisher’s Note: Both of the leading candidates for the Republican nomination for Governor next year are in the process of putting together their campaign structure to carry them through to the primary, and each campaign would tell you, through the general election.  Recently, both campaigns have brought on new campaign managers, and today and tomorrow we’ll be spotlighting each of them, starting today with Poizner’s new hire, Jim Bognet.

FR readers should understand that a campaign manager is typically not a campaign “strategist” or a consultant (which is not to say that a CM wouldn’t have a seat at the campaign strategy table).  This position is usually the senior staff spot on a campaign, and typically it falls to this person to ensure that all of the aspects of a campaign are being executed upon and are moving forward.  Needless to say, this role with a Gubernatorial level campaign is quite complex and time consuming, and requires a top notch operative…  Flash

Jim Bognet, Campaign Manager
Steve Poizner for Governor

Steve Poizner’s new campaign manager is Jim Bognet, a veteran of the Schwarzenegger re-election and Romney presidential campaigns.

Jim is a Pennsylvania native who grew up with Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp as his conservative icons. A scholarship from UCLA Law School first brought Jim to California to obtain his JD and MBA.

**There is more – click the link**

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4 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Introducing Jim Bognet, Campaign Manager, Poizner for Governor Campaign”

  1. Says:

    Making a rock star out of a political hack representing a RINO wantabee rich guy for goernor…we have been there and done that…no Campbell, Poizner or Whitman…

  2. Says:

    Ah yes… um… does that leave the field wide open for… Jerry Brown?

  3. Says:

    why is Poizner a RINO. As I see it, he has done it the way that an activist can respect, paying his dues.

    1) He ran for State Assembly in 2004 in a strong Dem district, self-funded, and made what should have been a safe seat competitive

    2) Rather than shooting for a high-profile statewide seat, he chose to run for Insurance Commissioner, again self-funded, and brought that office to the R column

    3) after being elected IC, he has chosen to engage on issues outside the realm of his office, such as the Fabian Nunes/Don Perata term limits scam. This fight in particular shows some mettle, as he chose to take on the two people who can make his life miserable via the budget process.

    Is he as socially conservative as me? No, but he has shown the rare willingness of wealthy politicos to put his money where his mouth is.

    Whitman may be OK, but I do not have a lot of respect for someone whose first office is Governor. It betrays an elevated sense of self-importance, and possibly an unwillingness to put one’s money where their mouth is on issues other than their own race.

    Campbell is a mixed bag, and I doubt Peter Foy will be able to gain traction with the Poizner/Whitman clash of the titans.

  4. Says:

    “No Campbell, Poizner or Whitman.” You must be a Democrat.

    Poizner is a fiscal conservative who knows his way around Sacramento and has demonstrated that he can stand up to the bureaucracy by having the only department in the State that has reduced payroll and costs of operation since he has been in office. Poizner has the experience and the will to right the ship of State.