Just a sampling of some of the about 400 bills that were taken up in Assembly Appropriations yesterday that had been on the "Suspense file" and how they fared:
Those moving out of committee to our floor, in no particular order:
AB 2062 Ammo Bill- requires ID to buy ammunition and no mail sales, buyer must have a permit, fee required for background checks, etc. All Committee Republicans "No"
AB 2235 Handgun ban-would prohibit sale of any gun that doesn’t include technology that ID’s and only operates for the gun owner, biometric smart chip etc. All Reeps "No"
AB 2281 Dog Fight Spectators-raises penalties from a misdemeanor to a wobbler, a misdemeanor/felony for those that view dogfights All Reeps "Aye"
AB 2743 Marijuana Raids-would prohibit State agencies from helping Feds with marijuana raids, arrests, or prosecutions of supposed medical marijuana users Reeps "No"
AB 2784 DUI Ignition Interlock Devices-requires convicted DUI offenders to equip their cars with these systems Reeps "Aye"
AB 2083 Student Financial Aid-more eligibility for students without proof of immigration status
Reeps "No"
AB 2093 Green House Gas reduction-requires inclusion in general plans for cities or counties
Reeps "No"
AB 2716 Paid Sick Leave-mandates on employers an accrual of paid sick for employee leave for issues with family, domestic partners, or anyone employee chooses. Reeps "No"
AB 2241 Fee on Temporary Vehicle Permits-$35 for the little pink window sticker to temporarily drive your car around as you pursue a smog check, etc. Reeps "No"
AB 2522 Fee on Vehicles-$30 each for San Joaquin Valley cars to fund Air Pollution Control District. would provide a plan that assesses non-resident vehicles that pass though the District
Reeps "No"
AB 1839 Sales Tax-Unfairly allows State to keep sales tax dollars from private businesses accounts receivable that are bad debts, that would normally be refunded to them by the State
Reeps "No"
AB 1840 Sales Tax on Internet Retail-captures more types of out of state businesses to tax
Reeps "No"
ACR 79 Resolution requesting Univ of CA system to divest from foreign companies with business in Iran Reeps "Aye"
Held In Committee-[Seen by "the committee majority" as costly to the State but not being actually voted on in Approps Committee, the net effect is the bill dies]
AB 1843-Public Access to State Spending-searchable database requiring State to post information of State spending for public to view Reeps "Aye" if committee had voted on
AB 2007-Megans Law database-would require listing of the gender of victims of an individual sex offender, also to list if offender had committed another offense after being required to register
Reeps "Aye" if committee had voted on
AB 2169-Ice Cream Truck Operators-prohibits issuing a license to operate to sex offenders convicted for crimes with under-16 year olds Reeps-"Aye" if voted on
AB 2943-The Spanking Bill-Punishes parents for certain types of corporal discipline of their kids Reeps-"No" if voted on
AB 2236-School Categorical Funding-allows flexibility of Categoricals combined with new transparency of school finances Reeps "Aye" if voted on
AB 2795-Limitation on gifts to legislators-extends limitations to also include employers of lobbyists, etc. Reeps-"Aye" if voted on
AB 2434-Water Storage-Request for Dept of Water Resources to finish a feasibility study siting a dam in NorCal-my bill-[evidently, we must have too much water storage presently in CA] Reeps-"Aye" if voted on