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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Coupal: Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association shares some OUTSTANDING NEWS with FlashReport readers this Sunday morning…

Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

  • Court finds No Merit to Opposition Arguments and
  • Confirms that Primary Purpose of Proposition 98 is Eminent Domain Reform

On Friday, proponents of private property rights such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and a coalition of business and faith based groups were awarded a great victory in California’s State Superior Court.

For the past few months Proposition 98, a statewide ballot measure that will bring an end to the abusive practice of forcible seizing private property from property owners who don’t want to sell their homes and businesses to wealthy and political connected developers, has come under attack principally by those who benefit from California’s abusive eminent domain practices, the League of California Cities and its coalition of redevelopment interests.

Even though Prop. 98 is far more limited in scope than Prop. 90, an eminent domain ballot measure that was narrowly in 2006, opponents of reform have affectionately nicknamed Prop. 98 the “Son of Prop. 90,” alleging all sorts of unintended consequences associated with protecting your private property rights.   

**There is more – click the link**

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