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Jim Battin

AD 80 — Gary Jeandron is Unopposed

AD 80 on again – off again candidate, Lupe Ramos Watson, is out.

Tomorrow, Gary Jeandron will become the unopposed Republican nominee for Assembly.

Now, for the next three months Gary will be able to fundraise and campaign while the Democrat candidates tear each other apart.  And from what I’m hearing, it’s going to be a Democrat Battle Royale.

Since the day he announced Gary has been a juggernaut.  He’s a well respected former police chief of Palm Springs, current school board member and even a marriage and family counselor (what a guy).

HIs fundraising is better than all the Democrats combined and his work ethic is second to none.

Jeandron is on a roll – and clearing the Primary is just another sign of his strength.

Anyone who knows me, knows my obsession with AD 80 (my old district).  I’m very comfortable Gary Jeandron is our Republican nominee.

Lupe Ramos Watson spent $68,000 on TV and radio last July, and then just stopped.  I didn’t understand the strategy then – now I guess I never will.

Run, Gary, run!