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Matt Rexroad

Thank you

For the past few months I’ve been worried that the Democrats would wake up.  They didn’t.  Now that their Presidential nomination will continue to be up in the air for months I’m ready to thank them for giving Republicans a chance to keep the White House for four more years. It also means a chance at another Supreme Court Justice.

This should be a bad year for a Republican to be at the top of the ticket.  Republicans did a smart thing by nominating the best candidate in the field to be able to win in November.  Senator McCain brings independent voters to the table and should be able to hold the Republican base with a little work.

As for the Democrats they needed to nominate anyone but Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. They didn’t do that. 

I believe that if Senator John Edwards was the nominee of the Democratic Party he would get 53% of the vote or greater and would walk into the White House.  He would also have a good chance of putting North Carolina in his column.

Governor Bill Richardson would have been the darling of the media. They would have praised him to high heaven in editorials all over the country and he would have brought New Mexico with him.

Senator Biden.  Senator Dodd.  I think they would have been the favorites although they don’t bring new states into the electoral college for their party.

Like it or not enough people in America are not going to vote for either Senators Clinton or Obama.

Thank you for giving us and continuing to give us a chance in November.