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Mike Spence

Local Bloggers Take On Campaign Finance Reform

Deep down everyone involved in politics knows that “campaign reform” has been a failure. More and More money comes in, but all these laws make it harder to find who is really giving to whom. At the state level, you can go to the Secretary of State Website and check out donors at the state level to the real big campaigns.


Local campaigns are a completely different story. It is hard to know about campaign donations without going to City Hall. Hard except in Pasadena , where The Foothill Cities Blog that covers the Foothill Cities in LA County. (Hence the clever name) has taken on campaign finance at the local level. In Pasadena the most prominent of the cities it covers they, not the city, posted the donotion info for the Mayor and now for at least one council member. It shows where the money comes from and raises some interesting questions.


This is real campaign reform. Telling voters where the money comes from and letting them decide.