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Jon Fleischman

Why is President Calderon, who speaks perfect English, addressing the Legislature in Spanish?

President Calderon of Mexico is about to address the California State Legislature. The Office of Speaker Fabian Nunez has just sent out notification that President Calderon will give his speech in Spanish (non-Spanish speaking legislators will be able to listen, U.N. style, with headsets and the use of a traslator).

I would totally understand and appreciate this if President Calderon did not speak English. But he speaks perfect English (see the video below).

So exactly what point is it that he is making today with this decision?

It would be great if somone could explain it to me. I have no doubt that if Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke Spanish fluently, and he were giving an address to Mexican government officials, in Mexico, he would give it in Spanish. 

His predecessor, Vincente Fox, spoke in English when he addressed the California Legislature…

2 Responses to “Why is President Calderon, who speaks perfect English, addressing the Legislature in Spanish?”

  1. Says:

    President Calderon ended up conducting his speech entirely in English.

  2. Says:

    It was hardly “perfect” English, but he did it.

    Just curious — I checked the archives and didn’t see anyone taking issue with President Bush (who speaks perfectly good Spanish) speaking English during his trip to Latin America…I assume this works both ways, right?