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Jon Fleischman

$3mil oustanding State GOP loan to be retired…

As the Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party, I can tell you that I am very excited by the following news.  The ‘infamous’ $3,000,000 loan that the state GOP has on the books from last years election…  is going bye bye.

The California Republican Party has released the following statement to the press, so I feel it is okay to now share it on the FlashReport (I have a fidiciary obligation as a party officer that requires that I do things a certain way)…

The California Republican Party has obtained commitments to retire its $3,000,000 loan obligation from Larry Dodge and Paul Folino and their affiliates on or before February 15, 2008. 

The CRP sincerely appreciates the generosity of these two pillars of our party and their faith and commitment to the CRP and Republican principles.  The CRP also wants to thank Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his assistance and support in accomplishing this objective.

This is important because CRP donors can now rest assured that funds they donate to the party are going towards new programs and victories in 2008 and beyond, not to retire this loan.

A big FR "shout out" to Mr. Dodge and Mr. Folino, and their team.

2 Responses to “$3mil oustanding State GOP loan to be retired…”

  1. Says:

    Horray! Bring down the balloons!

    Big THANK YOU’s to Larry Dodge and Paul Folino and the TEAM.

    Now, we can proceed forward in building an awesome party organization as we head into 2008!

    What a great way to start the weekend!

  2. Says:

    That is GREAT news! Now, lets put the past behind us an GEAR up for an 08 election!!

    I am excited about moving forward and increasing our Republican presence in both the Assembly and the Senate.

    The help that Lary Dodge and Paul Folino have given will help keep us focused on the real purpose of why we do what we do.

    Best wishes to ALL the CRP members and ALL the republican candidates they support next year.

    Richard Rios
    Director and Chief Coordinator-California For Thompson
    State Coordinator-FredHeadsUSA
    State Coordinator-DraftFredThompson

    California’s largest grassroots effort to support Fred Thompson for president