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Jon Fleischman


In the great profile piece on the FlashReport in the Contra Costa Times yesterday, there was a factual error.  While we did cover extensively the unfortunate and ill-advised appointment by the Governor of former Democratic Party Executive Director Susan Kennedy to be his Chief of Staff, that story first broke a few hours before we reported on it over at New West Notes.  I have been told that this error will be fixed in other NewsMedia papers that run the profile piece, and that a correction will run in the CC Times.  My sincere apology to any offended parties.

Oh yes, this is a good time to ask again for  the Governor replace his Chief of Staff with a Republican.  Susan Kennedy is charming, smart, and witty — and a Democrat.  We believe a Republican Governor should have a Republican Chief of Staff.

3 Responses to “Whoops”

  1. Says:

    Sorta like the Republican State Senate should listen to their Republican Governor and Assembly Republicans and pass the budget :)

  2. Says:

    No, it’d be more like having me doing your job. Fabian should be so fortunate…

  3. Says:

    Jill…don’t take the bait…this guy is simply a paid staffer doling out tired quips seeking to interject himself in a vitriolic way…he knows shocking gets coverage. Maybe he’ll call into your radio interview on Martha Stewart Living and rag on your good work with the Go Green Initiative….”lets see…hmmm…pithy antiRepublican hates environment quote…page 27…bullet point 2…” ugh