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Jon Fleischman

Senator Cox: Democrats calling Republicans “terrorists” should not be tolerated.

Just in from State Senator Dave Cox…  It is well written, and speaks for itself.

Some things should not be tolerated!  Referring to California State Senate Republicans as "terrorists" is absurd and it must stop right now.

In an effort to help get the State Budget passed, I thought that I could assist the leadership in the Democratic Caucuses by showing them a photo of Osama Bin Laden.  I did this during a Senate Republican Caucus press availability to outline our modest budget corrections that will help to get the State of California ’s fiscal house in order.  You see, most Americans, and, in fact, most people in the world, recognize Bin Laden as a terrorist.  There seems to be some confusion by Democrats in the State Legislature.  

“We don’t negotiate with terrorists,” said Steve Maviglio of Speaker Fabian Nunez’s office on Tuesday in the San Francisco Chronicle.  Unfortunately, Mr. Maviglio’s absurd reference of Senate Republicans as terrorists seemed to catch on with Democratic Leadership.  Today, at the rear of the Senate Floor, Senate Speaker Pro Tempore, Don Perata, used references of "terrorists" and "terrorism" no less than three times when discussing the efforts of Senate Republicans to provide California with a balanced budget.

The Senate has had the reputation of being a collegial body.  References to "terrorists" and "terrorism" seem to violate that spirit.  After all, Senate Republicans did exactly what Senator Perata asked us to do on Saturday morning after an all night Senate lock-down Session.  We have provided him with a responsible budget.  It is time to talk; not call names.

While our country and many others have men and women fighting terrorism in , and around the world, and we continue to have thousands of men and women in public safety professions ensuring that our nation is protected from threats of terrorism, references to any elected officials as "terrorists" are out of line.  It is absurd and it must stop now.



3 Responses to “Senator Cox: Democrats calling Republicans “terrorists” should not be tolerated.”

  1. Says:

    Balancing a budget terrorism. No wonder the country doesn’t trust the dems to deal with terrorism.They don’t even seem to know the meaning of the word.

  2. Says:

    Wow, so much time to blog, so little time to get a budget passed. I guess Republican Senators can’t pass a budget if their feelings get hurt.

  3. Says:

    Personally I agree with John’s post. The “over the top” use of descriptions of political opponents is destructive to democracy itself.