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Jon Fleischman

Congressional Democrat Wardrobe Hypocrisy Exposed On Drudge

Matt Drudge has penned a short, funny blurb (sorry, he doesn’t provide individual urls for these) currently featured on his site exposing Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, for nitpicking California Republican Congressman Gary Miller about his wardrobe of a Hawaiian shirt, linens, and slippers:

SUMMER FASHION: Republican Lawmaker Rebuked For Striding Onto House Floor In Hawaiian Shirt, Slippers
Wed Jul 25 2007 10:35:30 ET

Granted, it is summer, when dress codes tend to get a little looser in the face of Washington’s starched-shirt- wilting heat. But a slipper-clad Rep. Gary Miller (R-Calif.) apparently took the summer casual look a little too far and he got a dressing down for, well, dressing down!

ROLL CALL reports: During a House vote at about 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Miller strode onto the floor wearing a look better suited to a backyard cookout than the House chamber: a loose-fitting Hawaiian shirt, linen pants and slippers.

The sartorial faux pas even prompted Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who was presiding over the chamber at the time, to weigh in: "The chair must remind Members that the proper standard of dress in the chamber is business attire, which includes both coat and tie for gentlemen."

But Lee, herself, has also gone summer casual on the House floor, staffers mock!

Below the blurb, Drudge has posted C-SPAN still frame proof of Congresshyprocrite Lee wearing what appears to be a screenprinted white t-shirt celebrating some athletic championship (closeup posted below).

D.C. can be a pretty muggy place in the summertime (for more reasons than just the weather), so FR can’t really blame Congressman Miller for longing to be back in Orange County, in the shelter of our relaxed dress code.  However, we can and will blame Lee for the her absolutely childish display of partisanship.

One Response to “Congressional Democrat Wardrobe Hypocrisy Exposed On Drudge”

  1. Says:

    Upon closer inspection, it’s a WNBA Championship t-shirt. Does that still count as an athletic championship?