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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor Breaks His Promise – Proposes New Taxes

I feel like a chump. 
This entire past year, Arnold Schwarzenegger had as a central theme to his campaign for re-election the fact that he would oppose any increase in taxes.  I think it would be fair to say that this was a central theme to his campaign.  As a matter of fact, in a candidacy that often times stressed issues that were not very appealing to core Republican voters, it was his focused contrasting of Phil Angelides’ "The Tax Man" against his own rhetoric of opposing new taxes that helped to mollify, and excite the GOP base to support his candidacy.
Yet, the very first business day following his inauguration to a second term, the Governor rolls out a new massive government incursion that is straight from the playbooks of the Democrat Party, with a centerpiece being tax increases.  I don’t get it.  This Governor understands that what makes this country great is the idea of individual liberty and individual responsibility.  Yet, he has thrown out the notion of individual responsibility, trading it in for this new "shared responsibility" rhetoric which is no more than a justification for a massive explanation of government intrusion into, and further regulation of healthcare delivery in this state.
We have already had numerous FlashReport contributors weighing in on this plan, including Barry Jantz, Jennifer Nelson, and Mike Der Manouel.  Mike succinctly asks one question about universal health care, where has it ever worked?  Britain’s system is bankrupt.  Canada’s is beset with rationing and long wait times.  Tennessee abandoned its system.  Maine has had nothing but problems.
I am sure that as they read their newspapers this morning, tens of thousands of Republican donors and volunteers are wondering how Governor Schwarzenegger could so easily (and quickly) break his promise to Californians not to raise taxes.  At the center of this new healthcare proposal is a requirement that employers that have a least ten employees provide insurance, and if they don’t, a new 4% payroll tax is imposed on them.  In addition, there are new taxes proposed on doctors and hospitals.  Then there is a huge increase in socialized medicine as state-provided healthcare programs are massively expanded to cover millions more people.  And over-arching the entire proposal is a mandate that every Californian is required to have healthcare insurance, a slippery slope towards the notion that it is no longer the responsibility of individuals and families to provide for their own well being, but rather that healthcare insurance is a responsibility of the government.
Of course, none of these concerns cover the huge concern that the Governor wants to include in his program the biggest illegal-immigrant-magnet of all time — providing free health care coverage to criminal aliens.  Good grief.
I’m not sure which is worse.  Having the Governor renege on such a major campaign promise as he starts his new term, or the actual plan itself which is such poor public policy.
Either way, this morning I am just really disappointed in the Governor.  Like I said above, I feel like a chump.  And I’m not alone.

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7 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Governor Breaks His Promise – Proposes New Taxes”

  1. Says:

    He did not renege on a promise–he was just lying all along.

  2. Says:

    I don’t feel like a chump Jon because I didn’t vote for Arnold, but millions of Republicans did on the basis of what you just spoke about…no tax increases. Arnold owes all Republicans who supported him an apology.

  3. Says:

    You should feel like a chump. Arnold has broken promise after promise. He is loyal to no party. He is only loyal to himself. That was clear all along.

  4. Says:

    Rush Limbaugh said it best yesterday when he was addressing Schwarzenegger’s proposal: when you compromise with liberals, you get liberalism.

  5. Says:

    There is another example right here, right now. My son is a disabled vet. He is lucky to get an appointment at the V.A. hospital 5-6 months out.

    Why should the Gov and Ins Com listen to the Party. Every time we draw a line in the sand they jump over it. There is no respect for our Party because we don’t demand respect. Reference last Dec appointment of Susan Kennedy.

  6. Says:

    At least Democrats tell the truth!

  7. Says:

    Anybody out there have any information on how we might expel the Governor from the Party? That may be our only hope left.