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Jon Fleischman

New TV Spot: Call The Governor And Tell Him His Plan Is The Wrong Medicine!

Founded in 2002, the Consumer Alliance for a Strong Economy is a grassroots organization that is made up of over 9000 members that include entrepreneurs, small business owners, farmers and consumers.

CASE is starting to run commercials alerting consumers to the dangers of the Governor’s newly proposal government incursion into healthcare. Here is what their spokesman, Chris Wysocki, has to say. Below, you can run the add, and then — make a call!

“We applaud the Governor for his desire to address the need for healthcare reform, but the true problem of his proposal is a billion dollar tax increase on small businesses that provide the majority of jobs in the state,”

Wysocki continued, “The state can utilize many of the components of the governor’s plan to encourage more people to purchase healthcare – including increased use of Health Savings Accounts. A better approach would be to make healthcare costs for individuals fully deductible instead of raising taxes to pay for a big new government bureaucracy.”

“Voters have already rejected government-run healthcare with the defeat of Proposition 72 and Proposition 216. It seems clear that the public is not interested in creating a massive bureaucracy to administer healthcare in the state. While the goal of covering as many people as possible is admirable, a better approach is to adopt a market-based approach that makes care more affordable through the private sector,” concluded Wysocki.

ADDED BONUS: In case you need an exact reminder about how emphatic the Governor was about NOT raising taxes, take a couple of minutes to watch this video (courtesy via You Tube of FR friend Bill Bradley and his wonder-camera)…

One Response to “New TV Spot: Call The Governor And Tell Him His Plan Is The Wrong Medicine!”

  1. Says:

    I just called the Governor’s office in Los Angeles and made my views known clear.

    I feel that I have been misled about the taxes and other policy matters when the Governor ran for re-election last year.

    Governor Schwarzenegger should be held accountable for his words and deeds.

    If not, Maybe a Recall should be an option for this Governor!