Walnut, Salifornia is one of those places that is really hard for teachers to work in. The place has the highest test scores in the San Gabriel Valley. If you drive through Walnut you see plenty of businesses that offer tutoring. (Which makes you wonder if the teachers or the tutoring are responsible for the high test scores?)It is a Republican area to boot.
Now the union there really has it rough. Despite all the alleged education budget cuts, the district is offering a 4 percent raise. The union bosses wants a 5 percent raise. See article here. What’s a union goon to do?
I know they should vandalize the homes of board members and threaten them andother district employees. See the article here. What the articles don’t tell you is that the head of union made the statement that they can’t be held responsible for what someone might do two nights BEFORE the vandal(s) struck.
That makes the union totally responsible.