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Jon Fleischman

McCarthy critical of Kennedy pick, Duke, Another Dem Judge :-(

Yesterday in my commentary, I had a short mention of the fact that while State Senate President Dick Ackerman has been quite vocal, and critical of one of California top’s Democrat operatives being placed into the #1 staff position in the Governor’s office, Assembly Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy had been very quiet in the papers.

Since then, I have heard from several sources that McCarthy has actually been a vocal critic of the choice within the closed-door circles of the state capitol, including with the Governor.

I spoke with McCarthy yesterday, and he made it clear to me that he things that this appointment was a mistake.  When we spoke, he told me that we can look for public comments from him in the media as early as Monday, vocalizing his concerns.  In the meantime, McCarthy says that he has been making his concerns known in his speeches to groups and organizations. 

Look for more of a profile on the Assembly Republican Leader and how he will navigate his caucus through the unchartered waters ahead.  McCarthy has some definite ideas about how Assembly Republicans will be driving the debate.  He and I will be sitting down soon, and so, in "Drudge" style, we’ll say… developing.

In the meantime, we are now looking to the Congressional Delegation, who have also been silent on the Kennedy appointment.  The FlashReport will reach out to Congressman David Dreier, who is the leader of the State’s Congressional Delegation, to see what he and his members think about this appointment.  They might be especially concerned about Kennedy’s key role in electing both Senators Boxer and Feinstein, since they have to deal with both of these liberal Democrats each day!

(As I keep finding more and more folks who are critical of this appointment, I wonder if there is a ‘star power’ factor at play — as the Governor made his round of pre-appointment phone calls, was he really getting candid feedback?.  I’ve spoken to a number of folks who received those calls.  One of the more articulate ones told me, "Hey, when most famous Governor in the history of all Governors anywhere calls you on the phone, you don’t think about disagreeing with him.  But after the fact, you are left with the fact that you still think the appointment stinks.  You can quote me … but don’t use my name!" — Let me add, by the way, as someone who personally received one of those calls.  While I was rather lukewarm to the Governor, and expressed that I would be willing to meet with his new Chief of Staff, even I found myself not wanting to be confrontational or critical of the Governator on the phone.  It’s an intimidating prospect!  The Governor is a great guy, and is working his butt off for California.  How do you say, "Governor, I think you are doing a great job, and I support YOU, but don’t think you should make this appointment"??  Well, it’s a lot easier to type it here – I assure you!

I continue to be saddened at the number of Democrats being appointed to judgeships by the Governor.  There are so many judges appointed that when the announcements come by, it is almost a blur.  But whenever I slow down enough to look, there is a constant stream of Dems getting the nod.  Political party registration should be a good general indicator to the government whether a judge, in general, supports the idea of the rule of law.  The latest appointment of a prominent federal public defender to a judicial seat, is a democrat (see the story on the main page).  Her appointment isn’t really any more newsworthy (relative to her party registration) than others.  With a Democrat now running the staff at the Governor’s office, I have to wonder if we are only going to see an increase in this trend?  SIgh.

The disgraced ‘Dukester" has finally officially resigned from Congress.  Perhaps this will start to close the chapter on this particular Congressman’s fame (which is now infamy).  I’m reminded of the famous quote: "Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The FlashReport does reach out, with empathy, to the staff of the former Congressman.  No doubt they were all in the dark about the nefarious dealings of their corrupt former boss.  Imagine their plunge, to go from working for one of the most famous war veterans in America, to now having worked for the posterchild of corruption in politics.  Hmmm, do you even list Duke on your resume?

There is a story today about the education union folks coming back in to meet with the Governor.  Undoubtedly, their agenda will be very straightforward – money money money.  The reality, as I spoke about over and over while out speaking on behalf of the Governor during the special election, is that money will not solve the woes of our education system in California.  What is required?  Systematic change.  Some ideas that come immediately to mind?

Deregulation — get Sacramento out of the business of putting 1000’s of bureaucratic regulations on school districts.

Competition — lets get serious about voucher programs, and empowering charter schools.  The free market is a tremendous resource that should be unleashed on the challenge of helping kids.  The BIG PLUS of a voucher-based system?  You make parents the "customers" of those providing education.  This "third-party payer" approach to education ensures that public school bureaucracies are not looking towards parents when determining their polices, rather towards Sacramento.

Don’t negotiate education policy with unions — Public employee unions are formed to push for the benefits and working conditions of their members.  Therefore they will inherantly oppose any reforms that could negatively impact their members (the teachers) – such as tenure reform or merit-based pay.

Apparently a handful of state legislators are turning back the upcoming raise in legislative pay.  The FR will work on getting you a list of who they all are.  California legislators are, by far, the highest paid in the country.  Here is a great idea — part time legislature, part time pay!

Have a great day, and keep your tips and emails coming.

Aloha from Maui.
