Feminists’ Bogus ‘War on Women’ Battered In November Elections
The feminists’ bogus “war on women” took a beating in the November elections. That’s why they’ve been so quietly lately.
The phony war on women narrative was only ever really a war on those who believe women should have to pay for their own birth control, and those who are opposed to abortion. But the war was ginned-up with thenon-existent pay gap,and thephony campus rape crisis.
The beat-down is largely because feminism does not live up to its definition. And it does not represent most women.
Today’s feminism is victimization; it encourages blaming other people for mistakes, bad choices, and failures. The problem today is that feminists now push public policy.
Last week a feminist professor said that America should stop putting all women in jail, for any crime.
Campus Reform reported, “Patricia O’Brien, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois’s Jane Addam’s College of Social Work, contends that the majority of women in prison are merely non-violent, poorly educated, unemployed, and abused, according to her op-ed in… Read More