The price of taxation.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said: “Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”
I agree. I don’t mind paying taxes, or government spending on defense, education, infrastructure, public safety, or to give a helping hand to those in need.
What I mind is OVERPAYING taxes because government recklessly overspends, and overspends, and overspends.
I mind paying HIGHER taxes because government wastespublic money in an oftentimes spectacularly stupid manner.
I mind well-paid bureaucrats allowing that waste to continue because fixing the problem might be hard.
I mind my taxes being diverted away from vital services, programs and infrastructure to subsidize the extremely lazy, the extremely wealthy and the politically connected.
I mind paying year-after-year-after-year to subsidize those with a sense of entitlement so deep that they make no effort to better the lives of their own children.
I mind paying over 1/3 of what I earn while government racks up an exploding debt that will hobble my children – and their children – and limit their future… Read More