Big Brother Jerry Brown Bans the Word “Alien”
Since 1976, Lake Superior University annually publishes a “List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness.” A few of the obnoxious, overused words on the 2015 list include “polar vortex,” “takeaway,” and “foodie.” “Wasn’t it called ‘winter’ just a few years ago?” one student asked.“It’s ridiculous. Do we call people who like wine ‘winies’ or beer lovers ‘beeries’?” asked another.I love semantics.
But from the “you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up” file, in 2013, Big Brother officials in Seattlecalled for a ban on “potentially offensive” language. Government workers in Seattle were told that the words “citizen” and “brown bag” were deemed “potentially offensive” and would no longer be used in official documents and discussions. Seattle officials also said the word “citizen” was banned “because many people who live… Read More